新标准初中英语第三册--MODULE 11 The weather(在线收听


[00:00.00]MODULE 11 The weather

[00:01.43]模块 11 天气

[00:02.86]Unit 1 It may be cold tomorrow.

[00:04.77]第一单元 明天可能会冷

[00:06.68]Vocabulary and listening


[00:08.81]2 Listen to the weather forecast and check the correct information in the table.

[00:34.06]2 听天气预报,勾出表格中的正确信息。

[00:59.30]4 Listen and read.

[01:02.61]4 听一听,读一读。

[01:05.93]Betty:Hey, you lot!Don't forget Lingling's birth-day next week.


[01:10.30]Tony:Yes, we're goingshopping for herpresent.


[01:13.26]Betty:It's freezing,      isn't it?Tony:Yes, it's really     cold.


[01:17.68]Betty:What are you doing for Spring Festival,Tony?Tony:We're going to England.


[01:22.30]Daming:Will it be snowy?Tony:You must be joking!It may not even be cold,just wet.


[01:29.04]And it might be windy.Are you going to theUSA, Betty?


[01:32.92]Betty:We're not sure. We mightgo to Australia.


[01:36.57]Tony:Sounds great!What will the weatherbe like?


[01:39.88]Betty:Not bad, I guess.At the moment,it's summer there,so it'll probably be hotand sunny.


[01:46.29]And what about you,Daming?


[01:48.23]Daming:We're off to HongKong. It may be quitecool, but it'll probablybe dry.


[01:54.47]Betty, when's the besttime to visit the USA?


[01:58.08]Betty:When it's not too   cold ... or too hot!Tony:Come on, better get     going!


[02:03.70]Daming:What are you    going to buy for    Lingling's present?Betty:Something warm to    wear!


[02:09.05]5 Complete the tablewith the weatherforecast for SpringFestival.


[02:17.78]Now listen againand check.


[03:26.69]Pronunciationand speaking


[03:32.23]7 Listen to the speaker  asking a question.

[03:34.72]7 听说话人在问一个问题。

[03:37.21]What will the weather belike?Now listen to thespeaker showingsurprise.


[03:42.88]What will the weatherbe like?


[03:45.09]Listen and write * ifthe speaker is askinga question or ** if heis showing surprise.


[03:53.11]1 When is the best time  to visit your country?

[03:55.18]1 什么时候是去你们国家的最好的时间?

[03:57.25]2 What clothes should  she bring?

[03:58.99]2 她应该带什么衣服?

[04:00.73]Now say the sentencesaloud. Use the speaker'sintonation.


[04:06.21]Unit 2 When's the besttime to visit your townor country?

[04:10.44]第二单元  什么时候是参观你们国家的最好时间?

[04:14.68]Reading and vocabulary1 Read the passage and  decide what you can  see in the photos.

[04:18.70]阅读和词汇1 阅读短文,判断你在照片中能看到什么。

[04:22.72]When's the best time tovisit the USA?


[04:26.37]The USA is a very bigcountry to visit, sochoose carefully theplaces to see and thetime to go.


[04:35.36]Bring a good map becauseyou may want to travelaround.


[04:40.15]New York andWashington D.C. are goodplaces to visit in Mayor October.


[04:46.15]It's not too hot then.In winter there's a lotof snow.


[04:51.39]The best plan is toarrive in New England inSeptember.


[04:55.69]The weather starts toget cooler and the treesstart to change colour.


[05:00.61]It's a good idea tobring your camerabecause you may want totake photos of theautumn leaves.


[05:07.00]4,000 kilometres awayin Los Angeles,California, the weatheris fine all year.


[05:13.90]It's nice to see the Sunin December! Bring yourswimsuit because youmight want to swim inthe sea.


[05:21.23]In the northwest, itisn't very cold, butthere's a lot of rain,so bring an umbrella.


[05:27.91]It's pleasant to visitAlaska in July andAugust but it might becool in the evening.


[05:33.94]So remember to wear somewarm clothes. But don'tcome in winter. It'll bedark all day andfreezing cold.


[05:43.09]In Texas and thesoutheast, there arestorms from time to timein summer and fall.


[05:48.93]It's usually very hotand sunny compared tomany other places.


[05:53.75]So when's the besttime to visit the USA?Any time you like!


[05:59.64]Unit 3 Language in use

[06:03.08]第三单元  语言运用

[06:06.52]Language practice


[06:08.21]1 Listen and choose thecorrect months.

[06:27.40]1 听录音,选择正确的月份。

[06:46.59]2 Listen again and check(√) the true sentences.


[07:29.76]WorkbookMODULE 11 The weather

[07:31.95]练习册模块 11 天气

[07:34.13]Vocabulary and speakingListening, pronunciationand speaking


[07:38.19]7 Listen to theconversation. Match thesentences in Box A withthose in Box B.

[08:11.70]7 听谈话,把方框A和方框B中的句子连接起来。

[08:45.21]8 Listen and write * ifthe speaker is asking aquestion or ** if he/sheis showing surprise.

[08:51.53]8 听录音,如果说话人在问一个问题,写*,如果他/她在表现出惊奇,写**。

[08:57.84]1 Will the weather be  warm?2 Will I need to bring  my swimsuit?

[09:01.27]1 天气会暖和吗?2 我要带上我的游泳衣吗?

[09:04.70]3 Is it a good idea to  bring a camera?4 Does it often get  cold?

[09:07.77]3 带上照相机是一个好主意吗?4 天经常变冷吗?

[09:10.85]Reading and writing


[09:15.63]10 Read the passage andput the sentences in thecorrect places.

[09:18.81]10 阅读短文,把句子放在正确的地方。

[09:21.99]a But they don't usually  stay there for more  than six months.

[09:24.41]a 不过通常他们在那逗留的时间不超过六个月。

[09:26.83]b But scientists tell  us that the Earth is  getting warmer.

[09:28.85]b 可是科学家告诉我们,地球正在变暖。

[09:30.86]c They want to learn  more about the Earth's  history.

[09:33.12]c 他们想更多地了解地球的历史。

[09:35.38]d It is also interesting  to learn that it isn't  very wet there.

[09:38.13]d 得知那地方不怎么下雨也很有意思。

[09:40.88]AntarcticaAntarctica is thehighest continent onEarth,


[09:45.98]with the coldesttemperatures and themost wind.


[09:49.96]People havenever wanted to livethere because it is socold.


[09:55.09]The lowest temperatureonce was -89.2℃! Butnow scientists from allover the world come tostudy the ice. (1) ____

[10:02.27]最底的气温曾经达到零下89.2摄氏度。可是现在科学家们从全世界各地来到这里研究冰。(1) ____

[10:09.45]Some scientists liveon Antarctica for partof the year.


[10:13.40](2) ____ Why? There aresix months of light andsix months of darkness.

[10:17.91]2) ____为什么?有六个月是白天,六个月是黑夜。

[10:22.42]Antarctica usually hasa good deal of fineweather without any windat all.


[10:28.20]The strong winds areusually only in someparts of it. (3) ____There is very littlesnow or rain.


[10:39.22]It snows on the ice inwinter, but at othertimes Antarctica is dry,just like the SaharaDesert(撒哈拉沙漠).


[10:47.49]In winter the seaaround Antarcticafreezes for thousands ofkilometres.


[10:53.29](4) ____ So in future,there may be less ice inthe Antarctic sea.

[10:57.42](4) ____ 所以在将来,南极洲海面上的冰会变得较少。

[11:01.56]When that happens, ourweather will never bethe same again.


[11:06.01]Words and expressionsModule 11

[11:07.18]单词和短语模块 11










[11:37.90]from time to time 有时fall/f╛:l/n.秋天(Am E)compared to 和……相比较possible/'p╛s╓bl/adj.可能的

[11:44.02]stormy/'st╛:mi/adj.有暴风雨的shine/╞ain/v.(shone, shined; shone,shined)照耀/n.光

[11:52.63]depend/di'pend/v.依靠best of all 最好的

