新标准初中英语第四册--Module 3 On the radio(在线收听


[00:00.00]Module 3 On the radio

[00:01.86]模块三 在广播电台

[00:03.72]Unit 1Remember to look outfor the red light!


[00:08.24]Listening and vocabulary


[00:10.67]1 Match the radio  programmes with the  words in the box.  Now listen and check.

[00:53.25]1 把广播节目和方框中的单词搭配起来。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[01:35.84]2 Answer the questions.  Now listen again  and check.

[02:17.68]2 回答问题。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[02:59.52]3 Listen and read.

[03:01.39]3 听一听,读一读

[03:03.25]Chen Huan:Hi, everybody.Sally:We'd like to thankyou for taking us aroundRadio Beijing.


[03:09.48]Chen Huan:Don't mentionit. I enjoy showingvisitors around.


[03:13.58]Now, I want to answeryour questions, butremember to look out forthe red light ...


[03:19.58]Betty:... and stoptalking!


[03:21.53]Chen Huan:Come this way.This is the news room.We collect the latestnews and write thereports here.


[03:28.20]Lingling:How can Ibecome a newsreader?


[03:30.68]Chen Huan:On RadioBeijing everyone needsto speak English well.


[03:34.87]So keep studying, andmaybe one day you canjoin us. Here's where Iwork on Starsearch.


[03:41.84]We decide what to listento ... and who to see.


[03:45.43]Daming:What about thesports news? I likelistening to thefootball results.


[03:50.26]Chen Huan:That's overthere.Tony:I'd like to be asports reporter.Daming:Me, too!


[03:54.88]Chen Huan:And this iswhere we prepare theweather reports.


[03:58.10]Let's watch thenewsreader. OK, see thered light? Quiet,please.


[04:03.79]Newsreader:Finally, somesports news about theEngland and Chinafootball match.


[04:08.66]England scored twogoals, and China ...three.


[04:13.07]Daming:Hey! We won the       match!Tony:And we lost! I hate       losing!All:Ssh!


[04:20.48]Newsreader:Andtomorrow's weather-sunny in the morning,but it'll start rainingin the afternoon.


[04:27.35]And that's the end ofthe six o'clock news.


[04:33.83]4 Answer the questions.  Now listen again  and check.

[05:22.50]4 回答问题。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[06:11.18]Pronunciationand speaking


[06:13.76]6 Look at the linked  sounds and listen.

[06:16.48]6 看连读语音,听录音

[06:19.20]Finally, some sportsnews about the Englandand China footballmatch.


[06:25.47]Now say the sentencealoud.


[06:31.38]Unit 2I remember sittingclose to the radio.


[06:36.43]Reading and vocabulary


[06:38.65]2 Read the passage  and answer the  questions.

[06:41.10]2 读课文,回答问题

[06:43.55]Radio times“How old are you?”theradio studio manager atWXBN looked down atme.“Fifteen,”I said.


[06:54.68]“And you want a job inradio? Shouldn't you beat school?”he asked.


[06:59.63]How could I explain?I've always loved theradio.


[07:03.99]When I was about four orfive years old, Iremember sitting closeto the radio in theliving room,


[07:10.44]listening to myfavourite programmes,and to the voices of myfavourite presenters.


[07:16.03]It seemed that theywere speaking to mein person.


[07:19.61]At the age of nine, Iasked for jobs in smallradio stations.


[07:24.55]As I grew older, myinterest in radio grew.One day I learnt aboutInternet radio.


[07:31.85]Once a week, I played myfavourite music from myfather's computer to thelisteners,


[07:37.58]talked about life atschool, and then closeddown and did myhomework.


[07:43.17]Soon my friends atjunior high schoolstarted to listen, andthen they wanted tohelp.


[07:49.58]We prepared the weeklyprogrammes, articlesabout music, sportsnews,


[07:55.48]jokes and the weatherreport (I did this bylooking out of thewindow).


[08:00.32]“OK, come withme,”the WXBN managersaid. I sat down in thestuido, in front of amicrophone.


[08:09.13]He was in another room,behind the glass wall.


[08:12.21]“OK, let's do a soundcheck. Just tell me whatyou had for breakfast.”


[08:17.50]All radio presentersbegin work with the samequestion.


[08:21.05]“I had eggs, fruit andsome milk.”


[08:24.16]“OK, that's great!”the man behind theglass said.


[08:28.14]And this was how myfirst real job in radiobegan.


[08:35.30]Unit 3Language in use


[08:38.88]Language practice


[08:40.74]7 Listen and say what  kate's job is.

[09:14.31]7 听录音,说出凯特的工作是什么。

[09:47.88]8 Listen again and  choose the best  answer.

[10:21.27]8 再听一遍,选择最好的答案。

[10:54.66]Words and expressions


[10:56.88]look out (for) 小心win/win/v.(won,won)赢,获胜



[11:09.51]everybody/'evri,b╛di/pron.每个人mention/'men╞n/v.提及Don't mention it.不客气。


[11:21.65]look down 向下看explain/ik'splein/v.解释,说明voice/v╛is/n.声音seem/si:m/v.看起来,似乎

[11:28.51]ask for 要……listener/'lisn╓/n.收听者,听众close down停止播音;关闭



