



[00:00.00]Module 1 Hobbies

[00:02.47]模块1 爱好

[00:04.95]Listening andpronunciation


[00:07.65]6 Listen and completethe table.

[01:26.27]6 听录音,完成表格

[02:44.90]7 Listen again andcheck(√) the truesentences.


[05:25.59]8 Listen and repeat.

[05:28.17]8 听录音,跟读。

[05:30.75]1 Do you play any  sports?

[05:33.24]1 你进行体育运动吗?

[05:35.74]2 When do you practise?3 Where do you play?4 What made you so  interested in it?

[05:43.99]2 你什么时候练习?3 你在什么地方运动?4 是什么使你对它如此感兴趣?

[05:52.23]Reading, speaking andwriting


[05:56.46]9 Read the passage andcomplete the sentences.

[05:59.80]9 读课文,完成句子。

[06:03.15]Hi Frieda,It was a really nicesurprise to get youremail.


[06:08.92]I think it's a greatidea to keep writing toeach other.


[06:13.52]My parents have decidedto go back toGreece(希腊) for ourholiday next year.


[06:19.35]Do you think your familywill do the same? Thenwe can meet again!


[06:25.43]I have two more weeks ofholiday before I go backto school.


[06:30.95]Can you guess what I doevery day? I go riding.As I told you onholiday, I love horses,and I love riding.


[06:42.46]I'm very lucky becausewe live in the country,and my parents bought ahorse last year.


[06:49.70]His name is Wonderboy.They say the horse isfor everyone in thefamily,


[06:56.35]but we all know thatWonderboy is mine! He'sthe most beautifulanimal in the world.


[07:04.33]He's brown, with alovely friendly face.He's quite small,because I'm quite small!


[07:12.87]There are lots of veryquiet country roadsaround my village, and Igo out with Wonderboyfor hours and hours.


[07:21.27]We ride along the roads,and across the fields.


[07:25.37]Today, Wonderboy and Ihave been for a long,long ride. I feel sohappy when I do this.


[07:34.09]Of course, it's also myjob to look afterWonderboy. I clean himand feed(喂食) him-it'squite hard work.


[07:44.43]And when I go back toschool, then it can bequite difficult.


[07:49.83]We have a lot ofhomework and I don'thave time to rideWonderboy every day.


[07:55.92]But I still need toclean and feed him everyday.I know you livequite a long way fromhere.


[08:03.63]But why don't you comeand stay with us for aweekend? My parents haveagreed. We can have alot of fun.


[08:13.04]And you can rideWonderboy if you want!I'd love to see you.Love,Jenny


[08:21.07]Module 2 Friendship

[08:22.92]模块2 友谊

[08:24.76]Listening andpronunciation


[08:27.07]7 Listen and check(√)  the true statements.

[09:05.78]7 听录音,勾出正确的说法

[09:44.49]8 Listen to the  sentences.

[09:46.70]8 听句子

[09:48.92]1 We don't know who youare.2 I want to know why noone speaks on this bus!

[09:55.04]1 我们不知道你是谁。2 我想知道为什么在这辆公交车了没有人说话!

[10:01.16]3 Why don't you all come  with me?4 Can you tell me if  this bus goes to the  Old People's Centre?

[10:07.79]3 你们为什么不全部和我一起来呢?4 能告诉我这辆公交车是不是去老年人活动中心吗?

[10:14.42]Now say the sentencesaloud.


[10:18.07]Reading, speaking andwriting


[10:21.21]9 Work in pairs anddiscuss the quizquestions. Make a noteof your answers.Are you a good friend?

[10:27.21]9 两人合作,讨论测试题目。记录下你们的答案。你是一个好朋友吗?

[10:33.21]1 You and your friendhave had anargument(争吵) and youhaven't spoken to eachother for a few days.

[10:37.64]1 你和你的朋友进行了争吵,你们几天彼此之间不说话。

[10:42.07]When you see your friendlooking lonely atschool, you:


[10:46.40]a)go to your friend andask if he/she is feelingOK.


[10:52.63]b)smile, but do nothingmore, because you don'twant your friend tothink you are lonely.


[11:01.22]c)walk the other way,because you're notfriends any more.


[11:07.63]2 Your friend's parentsare very angry withhim/her about something.


[11:14.88]He/She calls you late atnight to talk to youabout the situation, soyou:


[11:21.04]a)tell your friend thathe/she can talk to youfor as long as he/sheneeds to.


[11:28.61]b)say you are watchingTV right now, but youcan talk about it later.


[11:35.70]c)start telling him/herall about your problemswith your parents.


[11:42.83]3 Your friend findsmaths difficult

[11:45.32]3 你朋友觉得数学难

[11:47.81]and he/she is reallyworried because he/shedid badly in the lastexam(考试).You:


[11:55.82]a)offer to help him/hermake a revision(复习)timetable.


[12:01.30]b)offer to lend him/heryour notes because youdid well in the exam.


[12:08.78]c)laugh! It's funny tothink that someone is sobad at maths!


[12:16.22]4 You hear a group ofpeople saying thingsabout your friend.

[12:19.57]4 你听有一群人在说你的朋友的事情。

[12:22.92]You know these thingsare not true. When theyask you what you think,you:


[12:29.29]a)tell them that thosethings are not true.


[12:33.39]b)say that you haven'tgot time to talk becauseyou're too busy rightnow.


[12:39.76]c)say that you don'treally know your friendwell enough(足够) toagree or not.


[12:46.31]5 It's your last daywith your best friendbefore he/she movesaway. You:


[12:56.19]a)write a card with youraddress(地址) and phonenumber and ask him/herto write to you.


[13:03.57]b)phone him/her becauseyou don't like sayinggoodbye face to face.


[13:10.72]c)go to his/her housewith a group ofclassmates to saygoodbye.


[13:18.11]6 Your friend has beenunhappy about a problemall day, so:

[13:21.79]6 你的朋友由于一个问题不开心了一整天,所以:

[13:25.46]a)you suggest that thetwo of you go out afterschool and have somefun.


[13:31.35]b)you phone him/her atnight and try to makehim/her laugh.


[13:37.67]c)you decide not toanswer the phone-ifyour friend phones, itwill be a long, boringconversation.c)你决定不接电话——如果你朋友打电话。这将是一次长时间的,乏味的谈话。
