



[00:01.39]Module 5 Problems

[00:02.92]模块5 问题

[00:04.45]Listening,pronunciation, speakingand writing


[00:08.88]6 Listen and check(√)the true statements.

[00:39.07]6 听录音,勾出真实的句子

[01:09.27]7 Listen and repeat.

[01:11.69]7 听录音,跟读

[01:14.12]1 What's up?2 Why not?3 You're right.4 That's a good idea.

[01:22.64]1 出了什么事?2 为什么不?3 你说得对。4 这是一个好主意。



[01:32.90]10 Read the problempage. Match the problemsand the advice.


[01:40.15]1 Dear Maggie,

[01:41.99]1 亲爱的玛吉:

[01:43.83]I have a problem! Ireally don't know whatto say to people when Imeet them for the firsttime.


[01:51.81]I find it hard to talkto new people because Ithink they might laughat me.


[01:58.57]I'm not as interesting,clever or funny as myfriends.


[02:03.92]If people start talkingto me, they'll realiseI'm just boring. Pleasehelp!Anna


[02:13.22]2 Dear Maggie,

[02:15.06]2 亲爱的玛吉:

[02:16.89]Someone at our schoollost a lot of money oneday. He had the money inhis coat pocket,


[02:24.04]but he took his coat offwhen we went to the gym,and the moneydisappeared(消失).


[02:29.59]Someone took it. I amworried that it was myfriend Martin.


[02:35.32]I saw him looking in acoat in the gym, and itwasn't his coat.


[02:40.63]I don't know if I shouldtell anyone.Ben


[02:45.03]3 Dear Maggie,

[02:46.82]3 亲爱的玛吉:

[02:48.61]My son is 13 years oldand is always late forschool. He won't get outof bed in the morning.


[02:57.21]If he continues to belate for school, he'sreally going to get intotrouble. What can we do?Susan


[03:07.24]A If he can't get up ontime, he must go to bedearlier.

[03:10.54]A 如果他不能按时起床,他必须早点上床睡觉。

[03:13.83]If he can't wake up, hemust buy an alarm clockwith his own pocketmoney.


[03:19.49]Tell him that if hedoesn't want to spendhis money on an alarmclock, he should get upon time.


[03:25.49]That should make himrealise he has to getout of bed!Maggie


[03:31.25]B If you are not sure,you should talk to himfirst. Find out what hewas doing in the gym.

[03:36.10]B 如果你不能肯定,你已经先和他谈谈。查明那时他在体育馆里做什么。

[03:40.95]Why was he looking insomeone's coat pocket?There might be a reason.


[03:46.72]If you don't ask himfirst, you might bemaking a mistake. Findout what reallyhappened.


[03:54.51]Maybe it was him. But ifhe knows you want tohelp him, he might tellyou the truth.Maggie


[04:02.92]C Don't worry. You'renot alone. We have allfelt this way before.

[04:07.03]C 别担心。并不是你一个人这样。以前我们都有过这样的感觉。

[04:11.14]If you enjoy things likeacting, find acourse(课程) to join. Itcan help you feel betterabout yourself.


[04:19.37]Or join a sports orhobby club. These canhelp you have fun andmeet people.


[04:25.98]But remember, if you arereally interested insomeone, they won'tthink you are boring.


[04:32.58]So ask them lots ofquestions aboutthemselves, and smile,


[04:37.35]and they'll think youare great!Maggie


[04:41.00]Module 6 Entertainment

[04:42.66]模块6 娱乐

[04:44.33]Listening,pronunciation, speakingand writing


[04:48.59]7 Listen and completethe table.

[05:22.70]7 听录音,完成表格

[05:56.81]8 Listen again andanswer the questions.

[06:31.68]8 再听一遍,回答问题

[07:06.55]9 Listen and repeat.

[07:08.99]9 听录音,跟读

[07:11.44]1 Maria said/she wantedto watch/a DVD/lastnight.

[07:15.90]1 玛丽亚说,昨晚她想看DVD。

[07:20.35]2 Maria said/she didn'twant/to watch anold/black and whitefilm.

[07:25.06]2 玛丽亚说,她不想看旧的黑白电影。

[07:29.77]3 She said/it was a lovestory,/and Ithought/that soundedboring.

[07:34.24]3 她说那是一个爱情故事,但我想那听起来很乏味。

[07:38.72]4 I agreed/that it was/afantastic film!

[07:42.55]4 我同意它是一部非常好的电影。



[07:48.59]12 Read the passage.Decide if the sentencesare from the radioreview (R) or thenewspaper review (N).


[08:00.36]The Lord of the RingsThe reviews for The Lordof the Rings are verydifferent!


[08:08.21]In the newspaper theysaid that it wasexcellent, and that thespecial effects wereterrific.


[08:15.68]They said it wasexciting, and thebattles were veryfrightening(吓人的).


[08:20.85]However, on the radiothey said it was verydisappointing(令人失望的).


[08:26.67]They agreed that thespecial effects werefantastic,


[08:31.01]but they said thebattles weren'tfrightening at allbecause they were badlydone.


[08:36.74]The radio reviewer saidthe film was too long,and it became boring.


[08:42.98]But my friends went tosee it, and they said itwas an enjoyable film,though(虽然) it waslong.


[08:50.06]They said the beginningwas boring, but it gotbetter later on.


[08:55.58]They said that theyliked the battles, andthey agreed that thespecial effects werefantastic.


[09:03.14]Elijah Wood is a goodactor, but the newspaperreview didn't like him.


[09:09.46]It said that his scenesweren't interesting.


[09:13.07]It said that IanMcKellen was muchbetter, and that hisscenes were great.


[09:19.35]On the other hand, theradio reviewer saidElijah Wood wasexcellent,


[09:25.21]and that his scenes werethe best in the film.


[09:28.16]My friends thought thatall the actors were verygood.


[09:32.67]It's veryconfusing(令人困惑的),so there's only onething to do.


[09:37.88]I'm going to see thefilm, and then I'll knowwhat it's really like.我打算去看电影,然后我就会知道它真正是什么样的了。
