新标准初中英语第六册--MODULE 5 Rules and suggestions(在线收听


[00:00.00]MODULE 5 Rules and suggestions

[00:05.26]Unit 1 You must keep to       the path.

[00:08.97]Vocabulary and listening

[00:11.81]2 Listen and answer the  questions.

[01:01.23]3 Listen and read.

[01:05.82]Mr Jackson:OK, listen up! Before wecan enjoy ourselves onthe Great Wall,

[01:12.11]there are a few rulesand suggestions. OK?

[01:16.52]All:Yes, Mr Jackson.

[01:18.76]Mr Jackson:First, you           must keep to           the path.

[01:21.64]You mustn't walk alongthe edge because youmight fall and hurtyourself. Is that clear?


[01:29.23]Mr Jackson:And you haveto keep together. Youmustn't go off on yourown, because you mightget lost.

[01:36.29]All:No, Mr Jackson.

[01:38.83]Daming:Can we have      something to eat      now? I'm starving!

[01:42.65]Mr Jackson:No, you can't, Daming!You only had breakfastan hour ago.

[01:47.77]I think we should startwalking, and then stopat noon for our picnic.

[01:53.48]But you shouldn't drinkall the water, becauseyou may need some later.

[01:58.36]Betty:Can we go rock      climbing?

[02:00.71]Mr Jackson:Yes, you can,           but you must           use ropes.

[02:04.19]You have to think aboutpersonal safety! And youmust have the rightshoes.

[02:10.07]OK, I think that's all.

[02:13.13]Let's go down this path,and then we can crossthe stream and climb upto the top of thatmountain.

[02:20.72]Then we can take a lookacross the countryside...

[02:23.96]Daming:... and have       lunch?

[02:25.13]Mr Jackson:... and thenwalk along that part ofthe wall, up there. Comeon! I'll lead the way.

[02:32.19]Daming:I feel tired       already. I may       need a rest very       soon.

[02:40.72]4 Choose the best  answer.

[02:45.02]Now listen again andcheck.

[04:23.05]Pronunciation andspeaking

[04:26.10]7 Say these sentences  aloud. Try to link  some of the sounds.

[04:34.26]Now listen and check.

[04:37.09]You have to think aboutpersonal safety! And youmust have the rightshoes.

[04:45.07]OK, I think that's all.

[04:48.31]Let's go down this path,and then we can crossthe stream and climb upto the top of thatmountain.

[04:56.83]Then we can take a lookacross the countryside...

[05:01.70]Unit 2 You mustn't move.


[05:07.03]2 Read the passage and  answer the questions.

[05:12.22]Watch out! Bears about!

[05:15.52]On our first evening,the three of us weretired after walking forabout eight hours. Wesoon fell asleep.

[05:23.69]In the middle of thenight, there was astrange noise outside.

[05:27.93]But when I looked out ofthe tent, there wasnothing to see.

[05:31.59]In the morning, I gotup to make breakfast.The bag of food wasopen.

[05:37.45]"Bears," said Joe. "Weshould hang the food ina tree tonight."

[05:42.56]Later that day westopped in a beautifulvalley by a stream.

[05:47.16]It was very peaceful,and we fell asleeplistening to the soundof water.

[05:52.62]During the night thebears came back. Thistime they took the foodfrom the tree.

[05:59.12]"How did they dothat?" I asked.

[06:02.01]"Not high enough.Bears can climb trees.

[06:05.26]They can smell food froma distance. We shouldpick up the rubbish,too."

[06:10.14]The first rule ofcamping is to keep aclean camp site.

[06:14.38]You can't leave anythingwhich bears might thinkis food.

[06:18.22]"OK, let's tidy thesite up, and move on.

[06:22.01]Oh, and we should makelots of noise, too. Ifthey know where we are,they may not come anycloser," said Joe.

[06:30.29]"If you see a bear,"said Joe, "you mustn'tmove or make anygesture.

[06:35.88]And above all, youmustn't run. No one canrun faster in the forestthan a bear."

[06:42.58]We went to sleep ...or we tried to.

[06:46.35]The next day westopped at midday forsomething to eat,

[06:50.19]and while the otherswere resting, I went fora walk in the forest.

[06:54.22]Suddenly, I saw a babybear playing with somesticks and stones.

[06:59.32]He looked so friendly,and I remember thinking,"If I reach out, I canjust touch him."

[07:06.34]There was a loud noisebehind me.

[07:08.96]I stood very still. Ididn't even turn myhead.

[07:12.96]There was another loudnoise, and I stillcouldn't see what washappening.

[07:17.78]The baby bear looked up,and ran past me into thewoods.

[07:21.92]I stayed in the sameposition for fiveminutes, maybe more.

[07:26.16]Then slowly I turnedround,

[07:28.52]and on the hillsideabout 300 metres away Isaw the baby bear andher huge mother.

[07:35.23]I have never run sofast, back to myfriends.

[07:39.34]For the next 10 days,every time there was asudden noise, my bloodwent cold.

[07:46.48]Unit 3 Language in use

[07:50.14]6 Read the passage and  answer the questions.

[07:55.37]With his drawing inhand,

[07:57.59]12-year-old ZhangWenpeng said people mustwake up to the fact

[08:02.64]that damaging theenvironment wasdestroying everythingprogress had worked for.

[08:08.00]"To save water is tosave our lives," hesaid.

[08:12.34]His classmate in thefifth grade of GuiyangExperimental PrimarySchool in GuizhouProvince,

[08:19.45]11-year-old Zhou Zhiyun,has painted a bigshining bulb(电灯泡),

[08:24.95]with the message thatpeople mustn't wasteelectricity.

[08:28.75]The students wereinvolved in a project todiscuss "what is climatechange and what we cando".

[08:36.34]The school suggeststhat the students shouldpass on what they havelearnt in school

[08:41.46]to their parents andother people in theneighbourhood.

[08:44.69]"I helped my family tounderstand why weshouldn't keep all thelights in our house onall night,"

[08:51.16]said one student.

[08:52.70]China has now 16,933green schools like thisone.

[08:59.96]In order to become a"green school" likeGuiyang ExperimentalPrimary School,

[09:06.17]a school must includeenvironmental educationas part of thetimetable.

[09:11.22]"Education isimportant and can helpchildren and youngpeople develop betterhabits.

[09:17.33]At the same time, theycan pass on knowledge tothe neighbourhood," saidJiao Zhiyan,

[09:23.46]one of the directors ofthe State EnvironmentalProtectionAdministration(国家环保总局).

[09:28.14]7 Listen and put the  advice in the correct  column.

[11:04.53]Words and expressionsModule 5

[11:06.87]rule/ru:l/n.规则;规章suggestion/s╓'d╜est╞╓n/n.建议keep to 沿着……走rope/r╓up/n.绳子


[11:19.54]lead the way 领路;带路fall asleep 入睡valley/'v╗li/n.山谷peaceful/'pi:sfl/adj.安静的;平静的

[11:27.25]site/sait/n.场所gesture/'d╜est╞╓/n.示意动作;手势stick/stik/n.枝条;枯枝reach out 伸手去摸




[11:49.04]order/'╛:d╓/n.顺序;命令/v.命令in order to 为了director/dai'rekt╓/n.主任
