新标准初中英语第六册--MODULE 8 On the town-Workbook(在线收听


[00:02.03]MODULE 8 On the town


[00:06.87]6 Read the passage.  Match the pictures  with the paragraphs.

[00:14.34]"When a man is tired ofLondon, he is tired oflife," said Dr Johnson.

[00:20.84]You can never be boredin London, because thereis so much to do.

[00:26.06]The most modern placeto watch a film is theLondon IMAX cinema, justsouth of the RiverThames.

[00:34.68]It has a huge screen,20m high and 26m wide,and the sound comes fromall around.

[00:44.40]The Round-house is agreat place to listen tomusic.

[00:48.73]It was built as a placefor turning trainsaround, that's why it'sround!

[00:54.63]To enjoy the river,the best plan is to takea boat trip to GreenwichMaritime Museum.

[01:01.85]You'll see famous ships,like the Cutty Sark,which brought tea fromChina in the 18thcentury.

[01:09.58]At the top of the hillis the observatory, forlooking at the stars,

[01:15.18]and the line thatdivides East from West.

[01:18.92]There are plenty ofchances to try new food.London's restaurantshave food from all overthe world.

[01:27.03]Go to Chinatown fordimsum,

[01:30.12]get a taste of theCaribbean in NottingHill or try Greek,Italian, or Turkishfood in Soho.

[01:38.40]Harrod's is London'smost famous shop,

[01:41.80]but young people thinkCamden market is theplace to go shopingbecause it's cheaperand more fun.

[01:49.02]Listening, pronunciationand speaking

[01:52.88]8 Listen and mark the  route of the walking  tour on the map.

[04:37.59]9 Listen again and  answer the questions.

[07:21.82]10 Listen and repeat.   Notice the intonation   in the sentences.

[07:30.23]1 But three days after  it opened to the  public in June, 2000,  it was closed again!

[07:42.40]2 So let's walk across  and see what happens!

[07:50.66]3 It wasn't unusual forthem to shout at theactors and to have theirfood here, in the middleof the performance!

[08:03.05]4 Who would like  something to eat and  drink?
