新标准初中英语第六册--MODULE 9 English for you and me(在线收听


[00:00.00]MODULE 9 English for you and me

[00:04.53]Unit 1 I'm proud of what       I've learnt.

[00:08.57]Vocabulary and listening

[00:10.85]2 Listen and answer the  questions. Use the  words to help you.

[01:00.55]3 Listen and read.

[01:04.56]Betty:How much progress      in English do you      think you've made      this year,      Lingling?

[01:09.30]Lingling:Not bad. Infact, I think I'veachieved a lot, and I'mproud of what I'velearnt.

[01:16.25]I've reached a levelwhich is quite good ...and I hope it's goodenough for the exams,anyway.

[01:23.45]Above all, it's thesubject that I'm bestat, although myhandwriting could bebetter.

[01:30.36]Betty:I think you've      done really well.

[01:33.13]Learning a foreignlanguage requires acertain effort, howevereasy it is.

[01:38.33]Lingling:I don't think         it's really         difficult to         learn English,

[01:41.67]although it's a languagewhich looks simpler thanit actually is.

[01:46.23]I just hope I cancontinue to makeprogress next year.

[01:50.41]Betty:Have you ever been      to an English      corner?

[01:53.49]Lingling:You mean, those         clubs where you         go to practise         your English?

[01:58.02]I always thought theywere for people whoseEnglish was alreadyquite good.

[02:02.79]Betty:Well, I went to anEnglish corner once, andthere were some peoplewhose level was fairlylow.

[02:09.71]But it's good to meetother people who want tolearn English, no matterhow good their Englishis.

[02:15.69]And you can often meetsome people who comefrom the UK or the USA.

[02:20.39]Lingling:Anyway, what Ilike most is that youcan use English whereveryou go in the world.

[02:27.00]Betty:But I wonder if      there will soon be      more people      speaking Chinese.

[02:32.02]4 Check who might think  the following.

[02:36.76]Now listen again andcheck.

[04:07.14]Pronunciation andspeaking

[04:09.94]7 Look at the stressed  words in this passage  from the conversation.

[04:16.11]Try to remember everyword of what the speakersays.

[04:20.71]Now listen and check. Asyou listen, say thepassage aloud.

[04:26.98]- fact - achieved - lot,- proud - learnt. -reached - level - good...

[04:37.83]- hope - good - exams. -subject - best, -handwriting - better.

[04:49.02]8 Say this passage  aloud. Make sure you  stress the correct  words.

[04:57.07]Now listen and check.

[05:00.10]I went to an Englishcorner once, and therewere some people whoselevel was fairly low.

[05:07.88]But it's good to meetother people who want tolearn English, no matterhow their English is.

[05:15.10]And you can often meetsome people who comefrom the UK or the USA.

[05:21.05]Unit 2 We all own       English.


[05:31.56]2 Work in pairs. Answer  the questions.

[05:37.16]Now read the passage andcheck.

[05:40.18]Who owns English?English is spoken byabout 400 million peoplein Australia, Britain,

[05:49.31]Canada, Ireland, NewZealand, South Africaand the USA.

[05:54.77]In Ghana, India, Nigeriaand Singapore, Englishis used for government,

[06:00.96]education and trade,although there are manyother languages foreveryday use.

[06:06.56]In China and most othercountries,

[06:09.48]it's the most importantforeign language thatchildren will learn atschool,

[06:14.43]because it's essentialfor tourism,international business,

[06:18.69]entertainment, radio,television, newspapers,and the Internet.

[06:24.22]So English is now usedby about 1.5 billionpeople--or a quarter ofthe world's population,

[06:32.43]and wherever you go inthe world, there is agood chance that someonewill speak English.

[06:38.73]How did this happen?English has not alwaysbeen the most commonlanguage.

[06:44.36]Until English becameimportant in the 20thcentury, people who hadany education spokeFrench.

[06:51.84]What's more, Englishspelling doesn't givemuch help withpronunciation,

[06:56.83]and its grammar isdifficult, especiallythe word order.

[07:00.94]The reason is that inthe 18th century,

[07:04.26]the UK was a countrywhose industrialproducts were sold allover the world.

[07:10.32]In the 20th century, theUSA spread English allover the world throughnewspapers,

[07:16.74]television, films andadvertising.

[07:20.05]It's now the commonlanguage for internat-ional travel,

[07:23.93]science, industry and inrecent years,informationtechnology and theInternet.

[07:30.53]But it's also impor-tant to remember thatEnglish has borrowedmany words from otherlanguages,

[07:36.91]either exactly the sameword or very similar.

[07:40.94]It uses restaurant fromFrench, zero fromArabic, piano fromItalian,

[07:48.71]and typhoon, china andmany others words fromChinese.

[07:54.54]Will the importance ofEnglish last?

[07:57.23]Many people think that,if China continues togrow in importance,

[08:01.91]Chinese will become ascommon as English by themiddle of the 21stcentury.

[08:07.61]More and more schools inEurope are teachingChinese as a foreignlanguage,

[08:12.67]in place of otherEuropean languages.

[08:15.77]And tourism puts Chinainto the top 10countries for visitors.But at least for thenext 20 or 30 years,

[08:24.32]English will be thelanguage used mostwidely.

[08:27.70]So who owns English?The answer is everyonewho speaks it--theEnglish,

[08:34.64]the Indians and theChinese all help makeit a rich language.

[08:40.65]It changes every yearwith new words andexpressions.

[08:45.20]Even though there aredifferences in grammar,vocabulary,pronunciation andspelling,

[08:51.55]we all belong to theinternational Englishspeaking world. We allown English.

[08:57.53]Unit 3 Language in use

[09:01.10]6 Read the passage and  choose the correct  answer.

[09:06.52]The development ofEnglish as a worldlanguage

[09:10.33]is one of the mostinteresting eventsof the late 20th andearly 21st centuries.

[09:15.97]It is the language usedby speakers of manydifferent languages tocommunicate with eachother.

[09:22.01]There are about 5.8billion people who donot speak English aseither their first orsecond language.

[09:29.78]However, we have entereda period in world his-tory when children areall learning beginner orhigher level English.

[09:38.06]Already, there arealmost 180 millionlearners of Englishbeing educated in China,

[09:44.87]a number which isrising.

[09:46.82]Also, many adults arelearning English at workor in their free time.

[09:52.28]But looking into thefuture, the number oflearners may growsmaller almost asquickly as it increased.

[09:59.62]If the project to teachEnglish to the world'sprimary schoolchildrenis successful,

[10:04.98]the children of thefuture will not needEnglish lessons at all.

[10:09.19]For many centuries,Latin was the commonlanguage betweeneducated people inEurope.

[10:15.11]But just as the use ofLatin slowlydisappeared, English mayalso not remain theworld language forever.

[10:22.45]Many language learnersare already expressingan interest in learningChinese, Spanish andArabic.

[10:29.86]7 Listen to the  advertisement and say  what it is for.

[11:59.29]8 Listen again and  answer the questions.

[13:27.96]Words and expressionsModule 9



[13:38.49]however/hau'ev╓/adv.不管多么fairly/'fe╓li/adv.相当地no matter 无论……





[13:59.09]typhoon/,tai'fu:n/n.台风importance/im'p╛:tns/n.重要性in place of 代替

[14:05.26]Indian/'indi╓n/n.印度人speaker/'spi:k╓/n.说某种语言的人;发言者;  演讲者

