新标准初中英语第六册--MODULE 10 My future life(在线收听


[00:00.00]MODULE 10 My future life

[00:04.78]Unit 1 I'm going to miss       my classmates.

[00:09.19]Listening and vocabulary

[00:11.40]2 Listen and answer the  questions.

[01:05.21]3 Listen and read.

[01:09.02]Betty:You look lovely,      Lingling!

[01:13.77]Lingling:Thanks, you         look great,too.         That's a nice         handbag.

[01:18.73]Betty:It's my mother's.      Are you enjoying      the party?

[01:22.07]Lingling:Yes, it's very         enjoyable, but         I feel a bit         sad.

[01:27.10]I don't know when we'llbe back in this hall alltogether again. I'mgoing to miss myclassmates.

[01:34.10]Tony:Yes, but wherever     you go, that will     happen.

[01:37.47]Anyway, don't forgetwe're going to the USAfor the vacation!

[01:43.45]Lingling:The hall lookswonderful, Tony. You'vehung international flagsfrom the floor to theceiling!

[01:51.06]Tony:Cool music, Daming!     It's got a great     beat!

[01:57.33]Daming:Pardon?Betty:But it's a bit      noisy.

[02:01.84]Lingling:Do you intend         to stay in         China for long,         Tony?

[02:05.69]Tony:I hope so. And even     if I go back to the     UK, I'll come back     and visit you all.

[02:12.28]Lingling:What about you,         Betty?

[02:14.38]Betty:I'll finish myhigh school educationhere, but I want to goback to my home townone day.

[02:21.12]What are your plans,Daming?

[02:23.38]Daming:I want to become       ... an English       teacher!

[02:28.41](Laughter)Tony:Come on! Let's     fetch something to     eat. What's on the     menu?

[02:33.57]Betty:How about a hot      dog? Or some ice      cream? A sandwich?

[02:38.66]Lingling:And we'll         always stay         friends.

[02:41.23]Betty:Let's raise our      glasses.

[02:43.37]Here's to ourfriendship, everyone ...and the future! And now,excuse me, I must make aspeech!


[02:54.18]4 Make notes about:

[02:58.26]Now listen again andcheck.

[04:39.46]Pronunciation andspeaking

[04:41.92]7 Listen and repeat this  passage from the  conversation.

[04:47.96]Yes, it's veryenjoyable, /but Ifeel a bit sad.

[04:54.04]/I don't know when/we'llbe back in this hall/alltogether again. /I'mgoing to miss myclassmates.

[05:04.35]8 Say this passage  aloud. Make sure you  pause at the end of  each sense group.

[05:12.62]Now listen and check.

[05:15.39]Let's raise our glasses.

[05:18.66]Here's to ourfriendship, everyone ...and the future! And now,excuse me, I must make aspeech!

[05:31.39]Unit 2 I wish you       success for the       future.


[05:36.94]1 Think about a speech  at a school leavers'  party, and answer the  questions.

[05:44.13]There may be more thanone answer.

[05:46.84]Now read the passage andcheck.

[05:50.19]Head teacher, teachers,grandparents, parentsand classmates,

[05:57.58]I'm very proud that Ihave been chosen tospeak to you all today.

[06:02.38]I'm a bit nervous asI've never made a speechbefore to so manypeople, so pleaseforgive me if it shows!

[06:11.61]As we all know, thisis the school leavers'party, and it's time tosay goodbye to everyone.

[06:19.12]We're sorry to leave youat the end of our juniorhigh school education,

[06:24.20]and we promise thatwe'll never forget thehappy times we havespent in these buildingswith you all.

[06:31.01]I'd like to thankthree groups of people

[06:34.18]for the three thingsI've learnt while I'vebeen a pupil at ourschool.

[06:38.97]The three things arefriendship, love andknowledge.

[06:44.81]The first group is myfriends, and what I'velearnt is the importanceof friendship.

[06:51.40]We've worked hardtogether, we've evenshared some difficulttimes together,but we'vealso had a lot of fun.

[06:59.83]Many of us will go tonew schools and we maynot see each other sooften in the future.

[07:06.42]Others will go on tosenior high school andcontinue their closefriendships.

[07:12.34]But friends don't haveto see each other allthe time.

[07:16.31]Sometimes the friendsyou treasure most arethe friends you see lessoften.

[07:22.36]A life without oldfriends is like a daywithout sunshine. We'llalways stay in touch.

[07:29.71]The second group isour parents andgrandparents.

[07:34.33]We thank you for thelove you have shown usduring our years atjunior high school,

[07:39.96]for making a home wherewe feel both safe andrelaxed, and where wecan prepare ourselvesfor our school days.

[07:48.49]We also thank you foryour help with ourhomework.

[07:52.41]How many of us owe ourgood grades to thesuggestions you havemade during those longevenings?

[07:59.30]And finally, the thirdgroup is our teachers.

[08:04.25]We can never pay youback for your kindness,your patience, and giftof knowledge which youhave offered us.

[08:12.30]Sometimes you've beenstrict with us;sometimes you've made uswork very hard.

[08:19.33]But you have alwaysbeen fair and you'llalways be our rolemodels.

[08:25.19]There's a saying fromIreland which is afavourite of mine:

[08:29.75]Strangers are onlyfriends you haven't metyet.

[08:33.92]I couldn't say itbetter myself.

[08:36.73]So from the bottom of myheart, I thank you alland wish you success forthe future.

[08:51.03]Unit 3 Language in use

[08:54.60]5 Listen and complete  the notes about Adam's  trip.

[10:30.92]6 Read the passage.  Match the photos and  the paragraphs.

[10:38.53]Take a year off!These days, more andmore students in the UK

[10:44.93]are taking a "gap year"between their graduationfrom school and theiruniversity studies.

[10:52.20]This means that theytake a year off, to dosomething else, beforethey start theirstudies.

[10:58.60]For most students,spending time in foreigncountries

[11:02.90]is the favouriteactivity--and Australiais the favourite placeto go.

[11:08.85]Many parents, teachersand business peopleagree that travellingcan teach importantvalues.

[11:16.26]"After a year oftravelling, I felt I'dgrown up.

[11:20.04]I had learnt theimportance ofrelationships withpeople, on all sortsof levels."

[11:25.90]There are manycompanies around theworld that welcomethese students on theirprojects--

[11:31.36]helping peoplein poorer countries,or even in your homecountry.

[11:36.51]Although you don't getpaid for your work,

[11:39.22]this kind of work canteach importantskills--decision makingand finding answers toproblems, for example--

[11:47.39]that will help a studentin a job one day.

[11:50.27]Finally, getting someknowledge and experiencein an area you hope tostudy

[11:55.54]or work in one daywill always be veryuseful.

[11:59.48]If several universitygraduates are applyingfor the same job, gapyear work experienceallows you to say:

[12:07.71]"I've already had someexperience of this kindof work." And that canget you the job!

[12:13.72]Words and expressionsModule 10



[12:23.59]forgive/f╓'giv/v.(forgave,forgiven)原谅treasure/'tre╜╓/v.珍视;珍爱stay in touch 保持联系

[12:31.77]owe/╓u/v.归因于;归功于pay back 偿还kindness/'kaindn╓s/n.体贴patience/'pei╞ns/n.耐心


[12:42.07]role model 楷模;行为榜样value/'v╗lju:/n.行为准则;价值

