美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2012-08-22(在线收听

 1. Missouri Congressman Todd Akin, a conservative Republican candidate for the Senate, is feeling the backlash of a comment that women's bodies can prevent pregnancies in "a legitimate rape". The Romney campaign is distancing itself from the remark.

2. Nearly 1,000 firefighters are battling a wildfire that's already consumed nearly 19 square miles in northern California since Saturday. Residents have been told to evacuate as the blaze moves closer to some 3,000 homes.
3. The director of Hollywood blockbusters "Top Gun" and "Beverly Hills Cop II" has died after jumping from a bridge in Los Angeles County. Authorities say 68-year-old Tony Scott's body was recovered several hours after he had jumped Sunday afternoon.
4. And a new pilot program is now underway in San Francisco that provides a small weekly stipend to the city's homeless for serving as foster parents for unwanted puppies until the dogs can be adopted.