英语美文:Saving a Life 救人一命(在线收听


Saving a Life 救人一命
    “ Mom , guess what I learned in Scouts1 today!” shouted Ruth Perkins' daughter Ann -Marie.
  Ruth smiled at her daughter's excitement. As the 12-year-old went on and on about CPR2 and the Heimlich maneuver3, mom nodded proudly. Little did she guess how well her daughter knew her stuff!
  Just three weeks later, Ann-Marie, her mom and her grandmother stopped for lunch at Dave's Restaurant. As the waitress set down their water, Ann-Marie heard a gasping4 sound behind her.
  Someone can't breathe! She thought. Turning, she saw Peter Moody, the restaurant owner, hitting a man on the back. Eighty-four-year-old Bill Russell had recently lost his wife of 59 years and had come to Dave's to help himself get through the day--his wedding anniversary. Now he was choking on a piece of meat.
  Ruth looked at her daughter. “ The Heimlich maneuver!” Ruth blurted. “ If you need to use it, can you?”
  “ Yes ,” a frightened Ann-Marie said.
  Just then, one of Bill's friends, yelled, “ Does anyone know the Heimlich maneuver?”
  In the crowded restaurant, only Ann-Marie's hand shot up5--and it was trembling. I hope I remember everything they taught me, she thought. I have to try!
  “ I need him to stand up,” Ann-Marie said, and Irene and Ruth lifted the 5′7″ , 150-pound man. Then the 4′10″ , 110-pound Scout planted her leg between Bill's feet and locked her arms around him. Placing her hands just above his stomach, she made a fist with her right hand and cupped it with her left. Then she gently pressed in and up.
  Nothing. Again, Ann- Marie thrust in and up. Again, nothing.
  “ Harder, Ann-Marie!” urged Ruth.
  Please, please let this be right, Ann-Marie prayed.Mustering all her strength , she gave Bill a forceful thrust, and the piece of meat dislodged at last. Gulping . Bill sank into a chair. 
  “ It's gone!” he cried. “ Thank you!”
  Ann-Marie blushed as all the folks in the restaurant started to applaud. Just then, paramedics arrived and checked Bill, who declined to go to the hospital, saying he felt fine.
  “ You did the right thing, and you did it well!” a paramedic told her.
    At a statewide convention last month, they presented Ann-Marie with the Medal of Honor.
  “ I'm so glad I was there,” says Ann-Marie, “ and that I knew just what to do!”