bbc你问我答--Catching a cold 感冒了(在线收听


Catching a cold 感冒了 




Rosie:  Hi there and welcome to Question and Answer of the week. I’m Rosie and joining me here in the studio is Helen. 

Helen:  (Sniffing) Hi. 在《你问我答》节目中我们会解答大家提出的英语疑问。 

Rosie:  You don’t sound too well today, Helen? 

Helen:  (Sniff) I’m not well. I’ve caught a horrible cold. 我感冒了。你看,我都流鼻涕了,头好疼,还有喉咙也特别难受。 

Rosie:  Oh, poor you! That’s just like our listener, Isabel. She is full of cold at the moment – that means she’s caught a really bad cold. She says:  


“I’d like to know how I can describe the symptoms when I get a cold. Should I say one plug of phlegm or a mouthful of phlegm? And which one is correct: “runny nose” or “running nose?” When I feel pain in my throat, I say “sore throat,” but when I feel itchy in my throat, what should I say?”  

Helen:  Poor Isabel. 她的病症也挺多的,咳嗽有痰,流鼻涕还有喉咙疼。 

Rosie:  Oh dear. Well, I’m no doctor, but let’s see if we can deal with Isabel’s symptoms one by one. The first symptom she mentions is phlegm. It is a tricky word, which is spelled P.H.L.E.G.M. but pronounced “phlegm”. Phlegm is a type of mucus that you cough up when you have a cold. 

Helen:  Yuck. 痰是一种粘液,感冒了咳嗽的时候会出现。Isabel 问英语里要说一口痰,是a plug of phlegm 还是 a mouthful of phlegm.  

Rosie:  Well, in English, you’d simply say that you’ve coughed up a lot of phlegm.  

Helen:  (Coughing) 在英语里,你可以说咳出了很多痰 coughed up a lot of phlegm. 不过大多数人不会直接说起 phlegm 痰这个词。 

Rosie:  Often, though, it’s not polite to talk about it so literally, so people might say “I’ve got a chesty cough,” instead. That lets people know in a more polite way that you have a lot of phlegm!  

Helen:  Well, I definitely have a chesty cough - have coughed up mouthful after mouthful, it was disgusting, it was gree… 

Rosie:  OK, thanks Helen, it’s not polite to talk about all of the gory details! And 

make sure that you don’t spit it out in public – use a tissue or the bathroom sink!  

Helen:  Sorry! Isabel 还问流鼻涕英语是怎么表达的?是 “runny nose” 还是 “running nose”?  

Rosie:  It’s a very common symptom. In English you would say “I have a runny nose”. 

Helen:  I do have a runny nose!  

Rosie:  Well, don’t drip all over the desk! Here’s a tissue. You can also say “my nose is running,” if it is dripping there and then, like yours is!  

Helen:  (Sniff) Thanks. 你可以说 “runny nose” 来表达你流鼻涕了。或者 “my nose is running”. 意思是一样的。别忘了要纸巾擦擦! 

Rosie:  Yes, it’s not pleasant to look at a runny nose in action! Isabel said she had a sore throat too.  

Helen:  Isabel 的喉咙也很痛,这很容易说sore throat. 要是我的喉咙很痒,怎么说?How do you describe an itchy throat?  

Rosie:  If your throat feels a bit itchy, the best way to describe this is to say you have a tickly throat.  

Helen:  A tickly throat. 像有人用细毛在刷你的喉咙,很痒。 

Rosie:  Exactly, and if it is making you cough, you can also say that you have a tickly cough!  

Helen:  A tickly cough. 痒痒的咳嗽,这个特别难过,有时候都停不住。好了,Isabel希望我们今天的词汇能够帮到你,  也希望你的感冒能早日康复。    

Rosie:  I would suggest plenty of rest and relaxation by listening to more of our programmes. 

Helen:  Good idea! 如果你有英语问题,可以和我们联系,我们的邮箱是[email protected]. But Rosie, one more question?  

Rosie:  Fire away. 

Helen:  What should you say when someone sneezes? 如果有人在你面前打了喷嚏,你可以说是什么?   

Rosie:  You can say “bless you”. Why?  

Helen:  Because I’m about to… about to… ah…ah… ah… atchoo! (Big sneeze)  
