

  If you want to stand out among people, there is no shortcut or alternatives for you but hard work.
  曾经有一个衣衫褴褛,满身补丁的男孩,跑到摩天大楼的工地向一位衣着华丽,口叼烟斗的建筑承包商请教:"我该怎么做,长大后会跟你一样有钱?"There was once a boy in ragged clothes full of patches running to ask a building contractor who wore the finery with a tobacco pipe in his mouth in a construction site of a skyscraper, "how could I become as rich as you when I grow up ?"这位高大强壮的建军筑承包商看了小家伙一眼,回答说:“我先给你讲一个三个掘沟人的故事.一个拄着铲子说,他将来一定要做老板.第二个抱怨工作时间长,报酬低.第三个只是低头挖沟.过了若干年,第一个仍在拄着铲子.第二个虚报工伤,找到借口退休.第三个呢?他成了那家公司的老板.你明白这个故事的寓意吗?小伙子,去买件红衬衫,然后埋头苦干,”
  With a glance at the boy, the tall and strong-build contractor replied, "I would like to tell you a story first about three diggers. The first digger liked holding a spade without doing anything but saying that he wanted to be a boss in the future. The second digger always liked complaining about the long-time work and his low salary. The third digger liked quietly devoting himself to digging without making any claims. Several years later, the first digger was still holding his spade in the original place and the second took an excuse of work injury for early retirement. Only the third digger became the boss of the building company. Do you understand the moral of this story? Just go to buy a red shirt and work hard."小男孩满脸困惑,百思不解其中的道理,只好再请他说明.承包商指着那批正在脚手架上工作的建筑工人,对男孩说:"看到那些人了吗?他们全都是我的工人.我无法记得他们每一个的名字,甚至有些人,根本连脸孔都没印象.但是,你仔细瞧他们之中,只有那边那个晒得红红的家伙.穿一件红色衣服.我很快就注意到,他似乎比别人更卖力,做得更起劲.他每天总是比其他的人早一点上工.工作时也比较拼命.而下工的时候,他总是最后一个下班.就因为他那件红衬衫,使他在这群工人中间特别突出.我现在就要过去找他,派他当我的监工.从今天开始我相信他会更卖命,说不定很快就会成为我的副手.“The little boy was puzzled and could not figure out the implication of the story. So he asked the contractor to explain further. Pointing to the builders who were working on scaffold, the contractor talked to the little boy, "Look at those people! They are all my workers. I can not remember all of their names, and even I have no impression of some of them. But if you look carefully, you will notice a sunburned man in red among them. I notice him very early. He seems to be working harder with higher spirits than others. He is always the first one to work every day while the last one to leave. It is exactly his red shirt that makes him stand out among all the workers. Now I am about to ask him to be my taskmaster and I believe he will work even much harder from now on. Maybe he will soon be promoted to my assistant.
  "You know, that is also how I got where I am now. I once worked harder and outperformed others. However, if I had worn a blue shirt as other workers did at that time, I would not have been noticed by my boss. So I wore striped shirt every day and worked arduously. Soon my day came, and my boss noticed me and promoted me as taskmaster. After I earned enough money, I also became a boss eventually.
  Success can only be born in action. Working hard is all winners’ shared and indispensable experience for achieving their dreams in their lives. The more you achieve from your hard work, the greater significance of hard work you will perceive. Life needs action to fulfill and I hope you can set up your goal and start your journey right now.