中英双语新闻——My ears hurt! Send us a decent commentator(在线收听

   Soccer fans across China moaning about the quality of commentary during this World Cup should remember: You’re not alone.

  All over the world, if there is one thing a soccer fan likes to do – other than see their team score a great goal – it’s complain about the commentary. Whether it’s a lack of research, a heavy bias or simply using too many clichés, just about the only thing most soccer supporters can agree on is that the commentary and analysis of the sport is useless.
  Ex-Newcastle and England striker Alan Shearer, who is supposed to provide expert analysis on British television, has been one pundit heavily attacked over the last couple of weeks. He is often caught not recognizing players, especially when smaller countries play. Even when he does have something to say, it is usually a case of stating the obvious.
  What makes a good commentator? The job of a commentator changes dramatically depending on sport, culture and simply what different fans want.
  In South America for example, soccer commentary usually takes the form of excited shouting, and loud cries of “GOOOOOOAL” every time a team scores.
  English sports fans sometimes cringe when they hear commentary on US sports. In the US, commentators tend to shout more, and be more dramatic with their statements.
  Compare that passionate style to a tennis commentator in the UK, who remains calm no matter how exciting the match is. A tennis commentator will make thoughtful comments about how the match is progressing, and he or she will only ever speak between points. This means the viewer can concentrate fully on the action.
  Specialist sports, such as cricket and golf, often include a lot of sporting jargon in the commentary. Because these sports attract more serious fans, their commentators assume that their audience are already experts.
  Despite people’s criticism of commentary, they are often reluctant to see anything changed. For example, female commentators tend to be poorly received by male soccer fans, who often believe that it’s impossible for a woman to truly understand soccer. Yet when a commentator becomes familiar, they are often loved regardless of whether or not they are any good.
  After all, the commentator is the person you share your joy with when your team scores a late winning goal, or cry out in despair with after losing a penalty shoot out. So let’s hope for some commentators who are passionate about the game, understand the game and are not scared to voice their opinion. Even if that means shouting “GOOOOOOAL” when your team scores.
  Below are three classic lines by commentators:
  ■ “Lord Nelson! Lord Beaverbrook! Sir Winston Churchill! Sir Anthony Eden! Clement Attlee! Henry Cooper! Lady Diana! Maggie Thatcher – can you hear me, Maggie Thatcher! Your boys took one hell of a beating! Your boys took one hell of a beating!”
  — by Bjorge Lillelien, a Norwegian sports commentator, on Norwegian TV when Norway beat England 2-1 in a World Cup qualifier in 1981.
  ——以上是1981年的世界杯预选赛中,挪威队2比1击败英格兰时,挪威解说员 Bjorge Lillelien在电视节目中的经典评论。
  ■ “It’s a game of two halves.”
  ■ “There are no easy games in football.”