音乐咖啡厅:Westlife - Last Mile of the Way(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Westlife - Last Mile of the Way

相关介绍 :城男孩自1998年成军至今十四年,以动人情歌打开全球乐迷的心房,细腻和声与完美默契,让西城男孩持续写下乐坛奇迹:英国金榜「最多连续夺下冠军的艺人」、全英超过1100万、全球4400万的销量,荣登英国、爱尔兰「2000年代最畅销乐团」至高荣耀!入列「连续7首冠军曲」金氏世界纪录保持、仅次披头四及猫王「14首冠军曲」、「连续22首Top5唯一艺人」、「英国温布利(Wembley)体育馆最卖座艺人」等惊人乐坛纪录,都是这14年来,西城男孩交出的傲人成绩单!

歌词 :

Song :Last Mile of the Way
Artist :Westlife

I want you with me
When the ground starts to shake
I want you with me
Each day when I wake

And I hope you forgive me
All my mistakes
And yes, I'll be with you
To the last mile of the way

Like day turns to night
Stone turns to dust
Like life becomes memory
Still becomes rush

Pains just lessen to learn
When we look back one day
And I'll take you with me
To the last mile of the way

Oh yeah, to the last mile of the way

To the last mile of the way

It's time to move on now
So don't be afraid
We should remember
The roles that we play

Whether the future
Has a darker or brighter day
I will still love you
Yeah, to the last mile of the way
(All of your night)
(All of your day)
(I'll stay with you)

To the last mile of the way
(All of your night)
(All of your day)
To the last mile of the way

Wish you guys will come back
