中英双语新闻——248 从地铁通勤族说起 看东西方生活方式大不同(在线收听

   Lin Yong has never been so excited about Dec 30–not because of the New Year celebrations, but because of the convenience of going to work he will enjoy afterwards.

  The 26-year-old Beijinger lives in the east part of Chaoyang district and works at the Apple store in Sanlitun. Every morning, he takes the Batong Line to get to Line 1 and then transfers to Line 10 at Guomao station, one of the busiest interchange stations in the Beijing subway system.
  After Dec 30, Lin can take Line 6, one of the new lines that will start operating that day, and transfer to Line 10 at a less crowded station. “I think it’s good news for commuters like me, because it saves us a lot of time and energy,” Lin said.
  Commuters like Lin, who lives in a suburban area and works in the city center, are common in China’s metropolises, such as Beijing and Shanghai. They are the main demographic to use subways in China.
  Zhang Hongke is a professor of transportation engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University. His recent study into metropolitan commuting trends shows that, in Chinese cities with a well-developed subway system, more than half of people who commute to work use the subway–and a big part of them live quite far away from their workplace.
  “In China’s big cities, as housing prices and rents in the central city increase rapidly, many people, even white-collar workers, are choosing to live in suburban areas,” Zhang said. “In those cities, business and working areas are relatively grouped. So the subway becomes the most convenient and economical way of getting to work.”
  Zhang added that the expansive subway systems of big cities are a good example for how subways extend a city’s reach.
  Although the lifestyle of “living in suburban areas and working in the city” also applies in the West, the demographic of subway commuters is slightly different.
  Take New York City for example. According to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), in 2011, of those working in Manhattan, the main employment center in New York, a majority of 30 percent commute from within Manhattan, while 17 percent come from Queens and 16 percent from Brooklyn.
  Those commuters who take the subway within Manhattan also include some quite wealthy middle-class citizens who can afford a car and live in a big house in a suburban area.
  “There’s cheap, even free parking space outside metropolises like New York and London. They take the subway from there,” John Mackey, manager of New York City Transit, told The New Yorker. “It’s really about convenience. There are almost 150 metro stations in Manhattan, people can go anywhere anytime.”
  Zhang thinks things would be different here. “In China, if someone can afford a car, they wouldn’t take public transportation that often, because it’s crowded and the stations are sometimes far from their destination,” Zhang said.
  Lin Yong agrees. “If I had a car I’d drive to work on most days,” Lin said. “But, as that won’t happen in the near future, a new subway line is good enough for me.”