人教版PEP英语(2012版) 三年级下 Unit 5(在线收听




[00:02.00]Unit Five Do you like pears? 第五单元 你喜欢梨吗?

[00:06.95]An apple a day... 一天一苹果……

[00:09.23]...Keeps the doctor away! ……医生远离我!

[00:13.04]Do you like pears? 你喜欢梨吗?

[00:15.99]Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。

[00:18.86]Do you like watermelons? 你喜欢西瓜吗?

[00:22.48]No, I don't. I like bananas. 不,我不喜欢。我喜欢香蕉。

[00:26.98]A Let's talk. A 我们来说一说

[00:31.63]Honey, let's buy some fruit. 宝贝儿,我们买点水果吧。

[00:37.38]Do you like oranges? 你喜欢橙子吗?

[00:39.95]No, I don't. I like apples. 不,我不喜欢。我喜欢苹果。

[00:45.50]Do you like pears? 你喜欢梨吗?

[00:50.44]Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。

[00:54.26]Let's learn 我们来学一学

[00:58.90]Do you like pears? 你喜欢梨吗?

[01:01.27]Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。

[01:03.78]pear 梨 

[01:08.46]apple 苹果 

[01:12.63]orange 桔子 

[01:17.41]banana 香蕉

[01:22.50]Let's chant. 我们来说唱

[01:28.83]I eat apples. I eat grapes. 

[01:32.80]I eat bananas - yummy! 

[01:36.98]I eat oranges. I eat pears. 

[01:40.34]A fruit bowl in my tummy! 

[02:12.26]Let's spell 我们来拼写

[02:14.66]Listen, repeat and chant. 听一听,跟读并说唱。

[02:19.46]fun 有趣的 

[02:29.29]run 跑 

[02:40.04]duck 鸭子 

[02:51.17]under 在……下面

[04:08.51]Read, listen and number. 读一读,听一听并标序号。(听力练习)

[04:39.74]Listen and write. 听一听并写一写。(听力练习)

[05:20.15]B Let's talk. B 我们来说一说

[05:23.25]Have some grapes. 吃些葡萄吧。

[05:26.92]Thanks. I like grapes. 谢谢。我喜欢葡萄。

[05:29.93]Sorry, I don't like grapes. 抱歉,我不喜欢葡萄。

[05:33.86]Can I have some bananas? 我能吃些香蕉吗?

[05:36.61]Here you are. 给你。

[05:39.41]Let's learn 我们来学一学

[05:42.62]I don't like watermelons. 我不喜欢西瓜。

[05:45.81]Me, neither. 我也不喜欢。

[05:49.29]watermelon 西瓜 

[05:54.41]strawberry 草莓 

[05:59.67]grape 葡萄

[06:05.44]Let's chant. 我们来说唱

[06:10.22]Do you like grapes? They taste really good. 

[06:15.74]Do you like oranges? No, but I should. 

[06:19.95]Apples, watermelons, Strawberries, too - 

[06:23.80]I like them all. How about you? 

[06:58.60]Start to read 开始读一读

[07:01.61]Read and match. 读一读并连线搭配。(听力练习)

[07:33.04]Chen Jie, John and Sarah like pears. 陈洁,约翰和萨拉喜欢梨。

[07:37.79]What about your friends? 那你的朋友喜欢什么呢?

[07:40.95]Let's check 我们来检测一下

[07:43.57]Listen and tick (√) or cross (×). 听一听并判断对错。(听力练习)

[09:17.62]Let's sing 我们来唱一唱

[09:19.89]An apple a day 一天一苹果

[09:33.56]An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 

[09:40.54]An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 

[09:44.64]An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

[09:48.89]A-P-P-L-E, apple!  

[09:53.32]An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 

[09:58.45]An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 

[10:03.33]An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 

[10:08.79]A-P-P-L-E, apple! 

[10:14.39]An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 

[10:17.63]An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 

[10:21.26]An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

[10:24.82]A-P-P-L-E, apple!

[11:42.06]C Story time C 故事时间

[11:49.26]Wow! 8 dollars! It's cheap! 哇!八美元!真便宜啊!

[12:05.08]I want some chicken and a hot dog. 我想要些鸡肉和一个热狗。

[12:10.12]I want some bananas, oranges and apples. 我想要些香蕉,橙子和苹果。

[12:16.06]Do you like milk? 你喜欢牛奶吗?

[12:21.25]Yeah! I like milk, juice and Coke. 喜欢!我喜欢牛奶,果汁和可乐。

[12:33.18]Oh, I'm full. 哦,我饱了。

[12:36.45]Doggy bag, please! No way! 请打包!不行!
