U.S. strongly condemns attack on Maldivian journalists(在线收听

   COLOMBO, Feb. 24 ((Xinhua) -- The United States on Sunday strongly condemned the attacks on Maldivian media personnel after three journalists were attacked in capital Male on Friday, officials said.

  The U.S. Embassy in Colombo, in a statement said that they urged all Maldivians to refrain from violence, and urged protesters and police to respect the right of all media outlets who cover demonstrations or other public events.
  "Freedom of expression is a fundamental democratic right, and we strongly condemn these attacks," the embassy said.
  Three journalists were attacked in Male on Friday night and one of them is said to be in critical condition, the Maldivian Journalists Association said.
  Raajje TV journalist Ibrahim Waheed was attacked near' Artificial Beach'with an iron rod by an unidentified man.
  He received serious head injuries and was flown to Sri Lanka on Saturday for urgent medical treatment after he was attacked in the Maldivian capital, officials added.
  Meanwhile, the Maldives media reported that during an opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) protest on Friday night, two State television journalists who were covering the protest were also injured when a packet filled with paint thinner was thrown at them from the crowd.
  Both journalists received serious body and facial injuries.
  Hours after the attack, President Mohammed Hassan Waheed condemned the attacks saying that there was no justification for brutal acts of terror.
  Former Maldivian President Mohammed Nasheed, who left the Indian High Commission on Saturday after seeking asylum inside the premises for 11 days, also strongly condemned the attacks and called upon the authorities to conduct a "swift and thorough investigation" to bring the perpetrators to justice, regardless of their political affiliation.