
   1. A leopard cannot change its spots. 江山易改,本性难移。

  2. Circumstances change cases. 事随境迁。
  3. Things do not change; we change.万事不变,是我们在变。
  4. His moods change quickly. 他的心情变化不定。
  5. Honors change manners. 态度随地位改变。
  6. You haven’t changed a bit!你一点都没变!
  7. I changed my mind. 我改变主意了。
  8. Drop it, let's change the subject.别说这个了,咱们换个话题吧。
  9. Table friendship soon changes. 酒肉朋友难长久。
  10. Where do I change buses? 我在哪里换车?
  11. I have to change down now. 我现在得减速了。
  12. He is sensitive to weather change. 他对天气变化很敏感。