
   下雨天了怎么办  Were it to me for how to handle the occasion being immersing in rainy days? ?

  我好想你        Overwhelmingly extreme yearning do I pour upon you. ?
  不敢打给你      Barely courageous off tinkling you. ?
  我找不到原因    Unprovoked scenario tortures me so.
  什么失眠的声音  What crunchs me so extravagantly snaps me off from dreamland? ?
  变得好熟悉      While it somewhat abruptly evolves to acquaintance. ?
  沉默的场景      Ambience with serenity, ?
  做你的代替      Deputy as your existence, ?
  陪我听雨滴      Audition of plummeting drip-drops. ?
  期待让人越来越沉迷    Being so intensively fascinating does perspection sound, ?
  谁和我一样    Someone of no whereabouts imprints as counterpart of mine, ?
  等不到他的谁    Someone with no whereabouts could he burrow out front. ?
  爱上你我总在学会    precipice of affection did I welter down into yet be nurtured to acquire   ?
  寂寞的滋味    Relish of isolation. ?
  一个人撑伞    Umbrella-Erection in solitude, ?
  一个人擦泪    Weeping-wiping in insulation, ?
  一个人好累    Weariness in seculation. ?
  怎样的雨怎样的夜    To what extent are supposed to be downpours,darks     ?
  怎样的我能让你更想念    plus which kind of me that would ingrain you into haunting recollections? ?
  雨要多大天要多黑    Under however deterioriated rain or opaque celestial realm, ?
  才能够有你的体贴    Would embody your attentive consideration? ?
  其实没有我你分不清那些    Literally being ignorant of me wouldn't you sort the clutters out, ?
  彻别接近还能多一些    Farewell could have escalated since proximated. ?
  别说你会难过    Never utter you would be smattering of grieving, ?
  别说你想改变    Never allege you would be framing to ameliorate, ?
  被爱的人不用道歉    Beloved would never be obligated to confess.