
   1. take in on the chin 忍辱负重

  注解:源自拳击运动。chin指拳击手的下巴。take it on the chin原指拳击手的下巴承受住对手的打击,没有被击倒。现在喻义为“勇敢承受痛苦,不灰心,不气馁”。
  A: What a police officer!
  B: I’ve never seen such a scene either except in films.
  A: It’s really unimaginable. The police officer screamed at the driver and used bad language, but the driver took it on the chin.
  A: 什么警察!
  B: 除了在电影里我也没见过这种情景。
  A: 真不可思议。那个警察对司机大喊大叫,还污言秽语,可那位司机都忍了。
  2. take the cake (biscuit) 最坏不过;再妙不过
  A: We have to work on Saturday, too.
  B: Are you sure? Who told you this?
  A: I’m sure. I heard the manager told the secretary by myself.
  B: Well, that really takes the cake.
  A: Yeah, but we have no choice.
  A: 我们星期六也得加班。
  B: 你确定吗?谁说的?
  A: 确定,我亲耳听见老板对秘书说的。
  A: 就是,可我们也没办法。
  3. take pot luck 吃家常便饭
  A: What will you do tonight?
  B: Tom told me this morning to come at 7 p.m. and take pot luck.
  A: Really? I just wanted to invite you to the cinema.
  B: I’m so sorry, but I have received his invitation at first.
  A: OK. I think we will have the chance next time. Have a good time!
  B: Thank you, same to you!
  4. stuffed shirt 爱摆架子、令人讨厌的人
  A: Our mayor is very famous!
  B: You seem to like him very much.
  A: You don’t?
  B: Not at all. He’s really a stuffed shirt.
  A: 市长很有名气。
  B: 你好像很喜欢他。
  A: 你不么?
  B: 一点也不。他架子太大了。
  5. streets ahead 远在前面;非常优越
  A: Whose English is the best in your class?
  B: James, of course.
  A: Oh?
  B: He is good at English; especially he is streets ahead of the rest of the class at reading.
  A: 班上谁的英语最棒?
  B: 当然是詹姆斯了。
  A: 是吗?
  B: 是的,尤其是阅读理解方面,比其他的同学要好得多。
  6. take time by the forelock 抓紧时间,乘机
  A: When will he be leaving the country?
  B: These two days.
  A: So quickly. I want to ask him something.
  B: You must take time by the forelock and do it now.
  A: 他什么时候出国?
  B: 就在这两天。
  A: 这么快?我还想问他点事呢。
  B: 你必须抓紧时间,最好现在就去。