英闻天下——174 Yamaguchi's Visit May Ease Tensions: Expert(在线收听

   Analysts say the visit of Japanese envoy Natsuo Yamaguchi will help to ease the tensions between China and Japan.

  Liu Jiangyong, an International Relations expert with Tsinghua University, says the visit is made on behalf of Yamaguchi's New Komeito Party.
  "Yamaguchi may deliver a letter from the Japanese Prime Minister. He will use the opportunity to meet with senior officials or even top leadership to get to know China's stance on the issue. Meanwhile, he will try to convince the Chinese side that his personal opinion as well as his party's opinion on Diaoyu Islands may help to enhance dialogues between the two countries."
  The New Komeito Party is part of Japan's coalition government with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party.
  However, according to Liu Jiangyong, whether the issue gets settled depends on the reactions from Abe's Liberal Democratic Party.
  "To resolve the Diaoyu Islands dispute, in the end, it depends on how the Liberal Democratic Party and the Japanese government will act. After all, New Komeito Party does not have a majority in the coalition government."
  Currently, the New Komeito Party only has one seat in the cabinet.