英闻天下——230 Falkland Islands Gov't Regrets Meeting Breakdown(在线收听

   The Falkland Islands government says it regretted that Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman would refuse to meet them next week when he visits the UK.

  The comment comes as Argentine Foreign Ministry announced that they would not participate in any discussions that included Falklands government representatives.
  Timerman is expected to meet up with British foreign secretary William Hague to discuss the recent disputes over the islands.
  Government officials of the Falkland Islands are also expected at the meeting.
  Jan Cheek is a member of the Falkland Islands' Legislative Assembly.
  "It's disappointing, but not entirely unexpected because the stance of Argentina has, for a long time been not only to ignore the wishes of the people who have lived on these islands for nearly a hundred and eighty years, but to virtually ignore their existence."
  However, the Argentine Foreign Minister insists that United Nations regards the dispute over the islands as a bilateral issue between London and Buenos Aires.
  While the Islands are internally self-governing, the UK continues to have sovereignty.
  Argentina meanwhile claims that the Islands are theirs, and have requested that the UK government enter into negotiations over their sovereignty.
  Last month, Argentina's President Cristina Kirchner urged the British Prime Minister David Cameron to abide by a 1965 UN resolution to negotiate a solution to the dispute.