英闻天下——233 Assad Urged to Respond to Dialogue Initiative(在线收听

   Head of the main Syrian opposition coalition in exile is calling on President Bashar al-Assad to clarify his call for dialogue.

  Moaz al-Khatib has said he is willing to accept talks with Assad, provided the Syrian government releases detainees and renews the travel documents for the opposition.
  "The big countries do not have a clear vision about a way out to the conflict. And I say to the Syrians, that if you don't take a united decision and discuss the conflict with each others, the big countries will not have a solution for the conflict and I am saying it honestly."
  The Syrian government has yet to respond.
  Others in the opposition coalition have blasted Khatib's stance, saying they will accept nothing less than the ouster of Assad.
  Meanwhile, Iran's Foreign Minister says his country will continue talks with the Syrian opposition.