英闻天下——234 Iran Urges U.S. to Start Dialogue(在线收听

   Iranian President Mahmouad Ahmadinejad is calling on the US to put aside its "stick" if it wanted to start talks with Iran under fair conditions.

  Ahmadinejad, speaking to a Beirut-based TV station, says his country is open for talks with the U.S. on its nuclear issues.
  "For the past 34 years the Americans have been confronting us. They have to change their attitude. They say and claim that they we will use the "stick" to force Iran to dialogue. This is bad. They should put the stick aside and start the dialogue, dialogue under fair conditions and with mutual respect. The dialogue to resolve everything and not impose positions."
  US Vice President Joe Biden is on record saying the United States is ready for direct talks with Iran if it is serious about negotiations.
  Biden says Iran now faces "the most robust sanctions in history."
  Iran and the P5+1 grouping are set for talks later on this month.