英闻天下——249 Supreme Leader Rejects Nuclear Talk Proposals(在线收听

   Iran's Supreme Leader is rejecting direct talks with the U.S.

  The rejection comes after U.S Vice President Joe Biden proposed one-to-one talks over Tehran's nuclear program.
  Ayatollah Ali Khamenei:
  "Negotiations as a tactic, talk as a tactic, a gesture of superpower, is only a deceptive move. This is not a real move. I am not a diplomat. I am a revolutionary, and I express my words honestly. Negotiations can only be meaningful when the other party shows its good will. When the other party doesn't show good will, the talks will be meaningless. Americans say talks and pressure must happen at the same time. These two are not compatible with each other."
  The US this week has ratcheted-up sanctions against Iran in an attempt to try to cut deeper into Tehran's ability to access its oil revenues abroad.
  Iran's revenues from oil and gas exports have dropped by 45 percent since the US and the European Union began coordinated sanctions this past summer.
  Another round of talks among Iran and the 5-permanent members of the UN Security Council, plus Germany, are due to take place later on this month.
  Three previous rounds of talks have so far failed to make any significant headway.