英闻天下——273 EU to Hold Crisis Talks over Horsemeat Scandal(在线收听

   EU agriculture ministers are set to discuss the horsemeat scandal which has now affected up to 16 countries.

  EU Health Commissioner Tonio Borg is hosting talks in Brussels.
  It follows the shock discovery last week of meat sold in Europe labelled as beef actually contained horsemeat.
  Meantime, Romanian food safety officials say the country produced over 6-thousand tons of horse, mule and donkey meat last year, and it was correctly labelled when exported to other European countries.
  This is of course part of the growing scandal over horsemeat mislabelled as beef in frozen food which has found it's way into a number of European markets.
  The National Authority for Veterinary and Food Safety says 97-percent of the meat slaughtered and processed at authorised plants was sold to European countries.
  However, Iulian Cazacut, is one of many slaughterhouse managers who defends his plant.
  "We have always watched closely the way we work here....and we can guarantee one hundred percent that all the products Doly Com puts on the market are certified from a quality and origin point of view. One hundred percent."
  A complex network of meat wholesalers is also reportedly making it difficult to trace the origins of the horse-meat, which was found in a number of products supposed to contain beef.
  The French government says Romanian butchers, Dutch and Cypriot traders were part of a supply chain responsible for mislabelling horsemeat as beef.
  Early this week, British supermarket chain Tesco said tests showed some samples of its frozen spaghetti bolognaise meals contained more than 60 percent horse meat.
  Meanwhile one former food safety official in Britain also says contamination could be affecting lamb products.
  He says retailers should start testing products ranging from lamb ready meals to doner kebabs for horse DNA as well.