英闻天下——279 Israeli Schools, Kindergartens Hold Rocket Strike Drill(在线收听

   At Yeshivat Netivot school in Jerusalem, students were evacuated to a safe place and police, ambulances and fire trucks arrived soon after the alarm sounded.

  Chen Livni, Commander of Jerusalem District in the Home Front Command, says the exercise helps students prepare for rocket strikes.
  "They need to be in the safe place. They have about a minute and half to do so, and we train them to do it in the right time and go to the right place, and also train all the first responders how to reach the school and what to do in the school in the state of emergency. We do such exercise every year at all the schools in Israel, because we have to be prepared, because this is the situation now in Israel."
  The security issue has become even more important to Israelis especially after Operation Pillar of Defense last November when Hamas fired long-range rockets for the first time toward Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
  Noam Yuonisi, a 15-year-old student at Yeshivat Netivot school, says many kids here live in fear. He recalls what happened when the air-raid siren blared across Jerusalem for the first time in decades.
  "Actually, I was right here on the basketball court. I ran as fast as I could upstairs. I was scared. I was shocked. I mean in Jerusalem you don't get used to that kind of stuff all the time more like on the coast. I didn't hear the sirens like very much, so I was scared. I was terrified, but I ran up as quickly as I could. I did whatever I could do."
  Compared with drills held in the past, this year's exercise has involved more participants. The cooperation between local authorities and education establishments with the Home Front Command, emergency organizations and volunteers has been highlighted.
  For the first time, a strong emphasis has been placed on the rapid movement of children from schools and kindergartens to the nearest secure areas. And it has really helped students like Yuonisi learn how to do everything effectively during rocket strikes.
  "We have the signs of running to the shelters. We stay there for something like 10 minutes. Then we come back outside, making sure everybody is safe. That's basically what we can do. I just do what the principal tells us to do. Just run in orders, what they tell us to do."
  Several drills have been held recently in different educational institutions where Home Front Command instructors gave instructions to students.
  Such drills will be held regularly in all educational establishments in Israel to contend with issues that may arise during emergencies.