英闻天下——292 Protests Continue in Pakistan after Bombing(在线收听

   Thousands of Pakistani Shi'ite Muslims are continuing to protest in Quetta near the bodies of those killed in a sectarian attack on Saturday.

  Around 4-thousand Shia Muslim Hazara's, predominantly women, are taking part in the sit-in demonstration to protest what they see as the government's failure to crack down on militancy in Pakistan.
  Pakistani Shiite Muslims shout slogans during a protest in eastern Pakistan's Lahore on Feb. 18, 2013, condemning the terrorist bomb attack on Saturday which killed 90 people in Quetta, local media reported on Monday. [Photo: Xinhua]
  "It is about time that all of us stand up and show our solidarity with these people."
  Pakistani authorities say the death toll from Saturday's attack climbed to 89 on Monday.
  Some Shia Hazaras are refusing to bury their dead until security forces take action against the Sunni militant group Lask-har-e-Jhang-vi responsible for the bombing.
  Paramilitary "Frontier Corps" is in charge of security in Baluchistan province, of which Quetta is the capital, but Shi'ites say it is failing to protect them.
  While the Taliban and al Qaeda remain a major threat, Sunni extremists, who regard Shi'ites as non-Muslims, have emerged as another major security problem.
  President Asif Ali Zardari has said every effort will be made to arrest the culprits and bring them to justice.