英闻天下——295 Japan Envoy in Beijing to Discuss North Korea(在线收听

   A senior Japanese diplomat is now in Beijing for talks with Chinese officials about an ongoing territorial dispute and North Korea's recent nuclear test.

  Shinsuke Sugiyama, Japan's nuclear envoy, is expected to meet with Wu Dawei, China's special representative for Korean Peninsula affairs, as well as other officials over the next three days.
  This is the first bilateral meeting among the six-party countries to the Korean nuclear issue following North Korea's latest nuclear test last week.
  Liu Jiangyong is the Vice President of the Institute of Modern International Relations at Tsinghua University.
  "During the upcoming talks between Chinese and Japanese diplomats, the Chinese side will make its stance clear. And this will have direct or indirect impact to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's forthcoming trip to the United States, and the US adjustment of its policy to North Korea."
  He also says Shinsuke Sugiyama is likely to raise Tokyo's concerns about the recent territorial confrontations between the two countries.
  Japan has also claimed Chinese vessels locked their weapons-targeting radar on one of their ships and a helicopter.
  China however, denies the charge.
  The two countries remain at odds over the Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea, when the Japanese government bought the islets from a private Japanese owner last year.