英闻天下——302 Spending Cuts Would Undermine US Diplomacy(在线收听

   US Secretary of State John Kerry has joined a chorus of other Obama cabinet ministers in warning of the impending budget cuts, which are set to kick in this coming month.

  Kerry says the looming sequestration will undermine U.S. diplomacy.
  "I'm particularly aware that in many ways the greatest challenge to America's foreign policy today is in the hands not of diplomats, but of policymakers in Congress. It's often said that we can't be strong at home if we're not strong in the world, but in these days of a looming budget sequester that everyone actually wants to avoid, or most, we can't be strong in the world unless we are strong at home. "
  Kerry notes US foreign policy spending amounts to just over 1-percent of the overall federal budget.
  Across-the-board cuts, known as "sequestration," would slash 2.6-billion dollars out of the budget for the State Department and USAID, the US development assistance agency.
  Kerry's warning follows similar alerts from Pentagon chief Leon Panetta and other Obama administration officials about the 85-billion dollars in cuts, which will begin on March 1st unless the White House and Congress can reach an agreement to stop them.