英语摇滚歌曲:Evanescence - Oceans(在线收听

金属:Evanescence - Oceans

相关介绍 :时隔五年,当今最为成功的女声金属乐队之一的Evanescence在万众瞩目之下发行了乐队的第三张同名专辑-Evanescence。主唱Amy Lee表示,这张同名专辑更像是送给Evanescence这支已经成军十年的乐队的赠礼。所以即便在录音中遇到了不少麻烦,乐队依然以一种乐观积极的心态完成了整张专辑的录制。

歌词 :

Song :Oceans
Artist :Evanescence

Don't wanna be the one to walk away
But I can't bear the thought of one more day
I think I finally understand what it means to be lost

Can't find the road to lead us out of this
A million miles from where we burned the bridge
Can't keep pretending that every thing's gonna be alright

With the whole world falling down on me

Cross the oceans in my mind
Find the strength to say goodbye
In the end you never can
Wash the blood from your hands
Falling so far from where we were before
You'll never find what you've been searching for
Something to fill the void and
Make up for all of those missing pieces of you

Like I could only dream to do

Cross the oceans in my mind
Find the strength to say goodbye
Everything we believed in was a lie
Cross the oceans in your mind
Find a way to to blur the line
In the end you never can
Wash the blood from your hands

Oh, we never learn
So we fall down again
Hurt me, hurt me
Find your way to dream within this nightmare

Cross the oceans in my mind
Find the strength to say goodbye
Everything we believed in was a lie
Cross the oceans in your mind
Find a way to to blur the line
In the end you never can
Wash the blood from your hands
