英闻天下——318 Toxic Dye Found in School Uniforms(在线收听

   An investigation has revealed six garment manufacturers in Shanghai have made school uniforms using toxic dye.

  The city's quality watchdog says it found aromatic amine dye in uniforms sold to 21 primary and middle schools across the city.
  China's national clothing standards require garments contain no more than 20-parts per million of the dye.
  Jiang Hong, is the technical director of SGS Consumer Testing Services.
  "In fact, there is no big difference if the density of aromatic amine is 19ppm or 21ppm. The dye is not good at all. But so long as it is less than 20ppm, it won't create much of a problem for human health."
  Three of the garment manufacturers have already sold uniforms to more than ten local schools.
  All six garment manufacturers have agreed to give their client schools a full refund and pay compensation to those affected.
  According to recent studies, negative effects from the dye will show themselves years after exposure.
  Liu Bin is a dermatologist at a Hospital in Shanghai.
  "A hospital in Tianjin has done research showing that if people are exposed to excessive levels of aromatic amine, they are more likely to contract bladder cancer."
  Liu suggests people wash new clothes and put them in the sun to reduce the level of toxic substances they might possess.