英闻天下——345 US Senate Considers Banning Assault Weapons(在线收听

   The United States Senate is considering a ban on military-style assault weapons.

  The proposal comes in the wake the Newtown, Connecticut shooting where 20 children and 6 adults were killed.
  Gun-control efforts currently face an uphill battle against a powerful pro-gun lobby and a strong U.S. tradition of hunting and gun ownership.
  Critics of the proposal say it is an attack on the second amendment.
  Ed Flynn, Milwaukee Wisconsin's Police Chief, claims this view is misguided.
  "This bill does not take guns out of the hands of Americans, it does not strip them of the second amendment rights, in fact if we want to be intellectually honest the issues raised here have more to do with commerce than they do with the second amendment. A lot of people make a lot of money selling arms and ammunition. This isn't inherently a bad thing but it can tempt to search for a grasp for false logic."
  The proposed ban on assault weapons makes up one of four gun-control bills, which are likely to be considered by the full Senate, according to congressional aides.