
   VT tidal volume 潮气容积

  TLC total lung capacity 肺总量
  VC vital capacity 肺活量
  IC inspiratory capacity 深吸气量
  ERC expiratory reserve capacity 补呼吸量
  RV residual volume 残气容积
  FRC functional residual capacity 功能残气量
  CL compliance of lung 肺顺应性
  CSt static compliance 静态顺应性
  Cdgn dyanamic compliance 动态顺应性
  Raw air way resistance 气道阻力
  MVV maximal voluntary ventilation 最大自主通气
  MBC maximal breathing capacity 最大通气量
  FEV1 forced expiratory volume in the first second 第1秒用力呼气量
  FVC forced vital capacity 用力肺活量
  MMFR forced expiratory flow during middle half of the FVC 最大呼气中期流速
  PEFR peak expiratory flow rate 呼气峰流量
  D dead space ventilation 死腔通气量
  E minute ventilation 分钟通气量
  PVR pulmonary vascular resistance 肺血管阻力
  Palv alveolar pressure 肺泡压
  Ppa pulmonary artery pressure 肺动脉压,灌注压
  Palv-Pc alveolar pressure-capillary pressure 血管腔内与腔外压力差
  PV pressure of vein 静脉端压力
  PLA left atrial pressure 左房压
  FiO2 fraction of inspire O2 吸入气中氧浓度分数
  R respiratory exchange ratio 呼吸交换指数
  CVO2 oxygen content of mixed blood 混合静脉血氧含量
  QS pulmonary shunt 肺内分流
  Q volume of blood 血容量
  rate of blood flow 血流速率
  V gas volume in general(pressure,temperature,and water vapor tension
  must also be given) 总气量
  gas volume per unit time;rate of gas flow 单位气流量,通气速率
  FAO2 fraction of alveolar oxygen 肺泡分氧浓度分数
  T tidal gas 潮气
  v mixed venous blood 混合静脉血