
   阿米巴[性]肝脓肿, amebic liver abscess

  Ehlers-Danlos综合征, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  嗳气, belch
  凹陷性病变, excavated lesion, depressed lesion
  Oddi括约肌成形术, plastic repair of Oddi sphincter
  Oddi括约肌切开术, sphincterotomy of Oddi
  Oddi括约肌狭窄, stenosis of Oddi sphincter
  Osler-Weber-Rendu病, Osler-Weber-Rendu disease
  Budd-Chiari综合征, Budd-Chiari syndrome
  Barrett's食管, Barrett's esophagus 
  板状强直, board-like rigidity
  半成形便, semiformed stool
  半乳糖耐量, galactose tolerance
  伴有先天性综合征的毛细管扩张, telangiectasia associated with congenital syndrome
  贝尔西食管裂孔疝修补术, Belsey hiatal hernia repair
  背驮式肝移植, piggyback liver transplantation
  贲门成形术, cardioplasty
  贲门肌切开术, cardiomyotomy
  鼻胆管引流[术], nasobiliary drainage
  Billroth II式吻合[术], Billroth II anastomosis
  Billroth I式吻合[术], Billroth I anastomosis
  闭袢性肠梗阻, closed loop intestinal obstruction
  闭塞性肝静脉内膜炎, endophlebitis hepatica obliterans
  壁外性压迫, extrinsic compression of wall
  壁细胞迷走神经切断术, parietal cell vagotomy
  便血, hematochezia
  变应性直肠炎, allergic proctitis
  丙型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type C
  病毒性腹泻, viral diarrhea
  病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis
  病毒性胃肠炎, viral gastroenteritis
  Peutz-Jegher's综合征, Peutz-Jegher's syndrome
  剥脱活检, strip biopsy
  博尔德莫尔食管吻合术, Beordmore anastomosis of esophagus
  Braun’s吻合[术], Braun anastomosis
  部分肠梗阻, partial intestinal obstruction
  擦拭法细胞学检查[术], abrasive cytologic examination
  残留结石, residual stone, retained stone
  残胃, gastric remnant
  藏毛病, pilonidal disease
  侧侧吻合[术], side-to-side anastomosis
  侧视内镜, side-viewing endoscope
  产毒性腹泻, toxigenic diarrhea
  肠闭锁, intestinal atresia
  肠壁囊样积气, pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis
  肠侧侧吻合[术], side-to-side intestinal anastomosis
  肠穿孔, perforation of intestine
  肠道细菌内毒素移位, endotoxin translocation from intestine
  肠道细菌移位, bacterial translocation from intestine
  肠道营养, enteral nutrition
  肠动静脉畸形, arteriovenous malformation of bowel
  肠端侧吻合[术], end-to-side intestinal anastomosis
  肠放射性损伤, radiation injury of intestine
  肠梗阻, intestinal obstruction, ileus
  肠结核, tuberculosis of intestine
  肠淋巴管扩张, intestinal lymphangiectasia
  肠内引流式胰腺移植, enteric drainage pancreas transplantation
  肠囊肿, enteric cyst
  肠扭转, volvulus