英闻天下——351 Boeing, Battery Maker at Odds over 787 Fix(在线收听

 After proposing a permanent fix for its Dreamliner 787 to the Federal Aviation Association last Friday, Boeing has met with its Japanese battery maker GS Yuasa on how to get the Dreamliners back in the air.

Boeing's said to be proposing a stronger containment box as well as a battery with greater cooling capacity among other changes.

With all 50 Dreamliners grounded since mid-January, the CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Ray Conner says he's confident about the proposals.

"This solution takes into account any possible event that could occur, any causal factor that could cause an event, and we are very confident that we have this fix that will be permanent and will allow us to continue with the technology,".

The Federal Aviation Authority - or the FAA has also confirmed it will meet with Yuasa later.

There are Media reports however, suggesting Yuasa - who are Boeing's lithium-ion battery supplier, disagree on what measures to be included.

Yuasa are said to want the battery fix to include a voltage regulator which could stop electricity from entering the battery.
