英闻天下——363 UN Chief: Opportunity for Syria Talks May Close(在线收听

   UN Secretary-General Ban Ki moon now warns that a "very small window of opportunity" for talks between the Syrian government and the opposition "may soon close."

  Ban was referring to an offer of dialogue by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem days ago.
  "I know that the Syrian government, particularly Foreign Minister (Walid) Muallem, has expressed its willingness to meet with the opposition representatives. This is a very small window of opportunity which we strongly support and encourage them to use that. The opportunity may soon close."
  Muallem has said the Syrian government is ready to meet with all parties, including armed groups, who want to engage in dialogue to help end the conflict.
  The opposition Syrian National Coalition said it is willing to negotiate a peace deal, but Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must step down.
  The UN estimates that some 60,000 people have been killed since the Syria conflict began two years ago.
  Ban Ki-moon called for support for Joint UN and Arab League Envoy Lakhdar Brahami who's trying to end the fighting and bring the two sides together.
  The UN chief said he would be meeting Brahimi in the French city of Montpellier on Saturday to discuss Syria.