访谈录 2012-04-09&04-11 黑人女星凯莉.华盛顿专访(在线收听

 And we are back now ,and this is Kerry Washington start the ABC newest guilt pleasure scandal it come from the critical anonymous the private practice take inside that way the crisis the manage live inappropriate and it's all this DC dirty secret in Washington

Good morning
I have no idea someone who live in white house gets to go on and save kidnap babies and get people out of jail
You didn't know that ? you would know all people you would know
You handle all kinds of crisis ,
Yep This show actually inspire by Julie Smith he was a crisis management ,an expert in Washington DC
And she has some high profile cases ,and she work for bush white house ,and she work for (Monica) Lewinsky
Yep everybody from the Monica Lewinsky are * and she is really cover it all .and those are kind of crisis that walk into our office like scandal you never know who gonna walk into that door
You never know and now you said it's based on Julie Smith, right? She help inspire and she is going way off ,
I always look the instinct that is inspired by juli's work but now based on her ,because and my character like Julie and her professional live she is smart and powerful and really empower ,but in her personally live is vulnerable and mass, you know she is really not not put together as her personally live
I don't know how much I reveal but watch the show last night but we have great time the personally live of you character really is the mass the absolutely highest level
Yep ,it's really complicate I think that's one of the founding of the show ,it's that when you watch the first episode and you can get introduce all of this character and inappropriate associate all this character
In the white house and my character inappropriate to work ,and by the end of the season
No one is who you think they are in the episode, every body got secret
And one of the thing you do see is the you always crisis management or professional job ,or someone personal let's take a look .
We do learn that ,but one of the thing you also learn is that ,this kind be signature line live appropriate trust her gut
,that's right I mean she work very high state world ,I mean he has to trust her instinct
Usually lead to the right direction ,but we find some times ,when her heart is cut and break and it can lead to some confusion position as well
It's a little bit familiar with ,you actually went into Washington collage ,
I do I went into George Washington. And now I am broad in there ,
The show is fantastic ,and the scandal lead to every direction
See you
Thank you