访谈录 2012-04-12&04-14 听女主播讲做妈妈的幸福(在线收听

 Alright,this is the moment I've been really looking for to all morning.Let's bring in weekend GMA core anchor Bianna Golodryga with its newest...

We are here.
So,Bianna,let me see first off.We miss you,we love you.You look beautiful.Congratulations,the baby boy looks adorable.How you feeling?
Thank you,we are feeling great for missing your guys.You know,he really was a a part of GMA *,remember he set behind that desperate night month.
He did.
What's the first week been like for you,Bianna?I mean,because you're a new mommy has totally changed everything for you.
It's been overwhelming,I mean.You know,you have every mom says this,but you never realize how much love you could have burn for another person since you have a baby.(Oh,it's right.)But I do have to say I'm counting the days that I have no idea what's going on in the news.So I got here watching shows.
So you look reading.But are you get any sleep?
No.* answer.
Do you think this job give you a good practise?
Did you once know for this job give you a good practise for sleeplessness?
Excellent practise.I always think what I was been doing,like I've been waking up right now.
Bianna,again,we love you,we miss you.Come on back soon.And congratulations to you and to Peter,your husband.And thanks everybody for watching ABC News this morning.We'll give you the newest back of world news like today ,we'll see it.