访谈录 2012-04-18&04-20 杰森.斯坦森谈新电影《暂告安全》(在线收听

 It is Jason Statham, he is the star of the new movie “safe”, he has to save a  math prodigy from a ruthless gang or really a couple of them, the movie opens April 27th , joining us now the toughest staff of the tough in Hollywood, Jason Statham, Jason, thanks for being here. 

Thanks very much, Josh. 
I had a chance to watch the movie yesterday, breakneck pace, and it’s always for you, I mean, do you ever get yourself a break when picking roles, you’re doing all the stunts again.
Well, you know, I’m not sure the reason I keep picking these roles, but we’re sure the joints are gonna wear out soon enough, for now, they’re still ok, so we’ll keep doing them.
Well, and also, there is a lot of depth to your character, he’s something of a broken man, and you really got, it gave you a chance to seem to really stretch, and really dig into an introspective character. 
Yeah, Boaz Yakin is a writer and director, he really wanted to make, you know, a very strong sort of genre movie, but have some emotional core, so he brought in Catherine, who plays May, who’s a very young Asian girl that have a great relation with, and it just gives the movie a lot heart. 
Alright. Let’s take a look very quickly, a scene from the movie safe.
So what about this number?
It’s a long boring number.
How do you know it’s one number, not a bunch of separate numbers. 
Because they have a 3 or 7 before them, odd numbers are random but 5 then has a 7 before it, 8 then has a 3 before it, that’s too meantime to be random. 
So it’s the 3 and 7 that are interesting because they happen too many times to be random, because they’re not numbers, they are words, right left, left right, old school, combination to a safe.
Again it’s not a straight of action movie, you see that and you think to  yourself, so often a movie that stars a young actor can be held hostage by the actress, but boy, she really carries this movie on. 
She really does, it’s her first film and it’s you know, it’s a big mountain to climb and she does a terrific job, that’s probably the quietest moment in the movie, 
Yes, it is, it definitely, it definitely is, 
Yeah, the wheels come off severely after that, yeah
And there was an answer very quickly, I wondered how, you know you’re getting your legs above the head for all these action scenes, but you’re doing it in suits, if I try it right now, there would be a wardrobe malfunction. You are wearing special suits?
In a way, I think you need a lot of Karasodo to avoid that problem, 
Could be. Again, a phenomenal movie, and the best of luck with it, opening April 27th, the movie is safe, he is Jason Statham. 
Thanks Josh, 