
   Some people eat to live, while others live to eat. What is your category? Are you addicted to food? Is food on your mind 24/7? Listed below are some signs which will help you to identify whether you are addicted to food or not.

  1. If you connect emotions with food
  If you connect your feelings with the food you eat, then it is time you think over it. It so happens that, when you are addicted to food, you feel good and satisfied on having your favorite food.
  2. If you cannot stop eating
  If you feel a strong urge of eating something all day, even when you are not hungry, then you are definitely addicted to food. You feel the desire of continuously eating out of control and hog mindlessly in this situation. It is important to keep a tab on this sign.
  3. If you eat secretly
  How often do you eat something secretly from your kitchen? If you do that frequently, then maybe you are addicted to food. If you are controlling yourself from unnecessary hogging, and find it difficult to limit your cravings for food, there are chances you will secretly hide and consume food.
  4. If you think about food all day
  If you think about food, new recipes, how to cook those recipes, the taste etc. all day long, then you are for sure addicted to food.
  5. If you over eat
  If you binge or eat beyond fullness, then this is a sign of addiction. Normally, a person tends to overeat at a party or any other social gathering. But, if you overeat daily, then you are probably obsessed with food.
  6. If you cannot control looking at food
  There might be a problem with you, if you cannot control yourself from looking at food. Many times, just by looking at food it becomes difficult to control the urge towards consuming it. If you cannot control yourself from looking at it, then you are highly addicted to food.
  7. If you eat when stressed
  There are many ways to deal with stress. But, if you eat too much when in stress and depression, then it is a food addiction.
  Evaluate the above signs and know about your addiction. Deal with it in a tactful way. Slowly find ways to stop your addiction.