访谈录 2012-07-02&07-04 贾斯汀比伯谈纹身(在线收听

D:Here is what,here explain this to me,is that a new tattoo?
J:This is a new tattoo.
D:Oh,God,how many do you have?
J:I have just a couple...
D:Oh,tell me that's the last one.
J:Might be.
D:No,no.It is.You don't,I mean,honestly,how does that help how you look if you have a tattoo?
J:How does not,I mean,It does not help the way I look,just expresses:Yesterday my album came out as * day for me.So you know,I gotta believe.***,this is brand new.Grandpas.
D:Well,let me get it off... You know,what you true did this,just then you ....
J:Yea,that's the canadian.
D:But now,your Mom can't be pleased with the tattooes.
J:Mom does,you know,she is...
D:Does Mom have a tattoo?
J:She doesn't ...
D:No,I don't think so.Does Dad have a tattoo?
D:Oh.Do me a favor,don't go nuts.You know what I mean.Because more and more,you see like the your-year old,like the siskin * on a,you know what I mean,it's too much.
J:No,I won't.I'm not going for the * .Look...
D:Canadian high school.