访谈录 2012-07-26&07-28 伍迪.哈里森的自行车事故(在线收听


 I was racing with my buddy Mike and assistant Ryan. And then you know, we’ve been, we’ve going often on where he’ll win where I will win was. And some are shooting down 49th street that a theater is right here, and there were stages, and, and I was ahead, but I didn’t want to look back. In the last minute, I decided I just jumped the curve and you know, it came up right to the theater door. And I thought, well, there’s, there’s people there, and I’m going on a clip, so I better avoid that metal thing. And then there is a tree, so I got to go along this little strip. So I’m going on at such speed, I realize I’m not going to ride this. And I think it was feared that it did it to me, David. So I didn’t quite jump the curve the way I would like to.
        And what did you say jump the curve? You mean lift the front wheel up off to appear,
        Yeah, yes.
        And pick up another one for the so as you are riding.
        Yes, you know, you do it all the time. 
        Well, I don’t do that all the time.
        So it’s a big deal. Well, you.
        A big deal for you, not for me, for me, it is a big deal.
        So you, you don’t bike, do you?
        I do, I do bike. Actually, it is very dangerous what would you ride in your bike here.
        So the bike hits the curb and stops and I keep going.
        And I went right in this tree which was kind of conveniently place and I just bear hug around the tree at probably, you know, 20 miles an hour. And you know, people all standing all around, like are you OK? And I just seemed embarrassed, and I fine, fine, fine, fine. 
        Yeah, I know.
        I take up the bike.
        Yeah, there’s a little some we focus.
        Yeah, this is a little influence.
        Well, did you wear a helmet?
        So, anyway, David, how you?
        Are you kidding me?
        How do you do?
        Yeah, I have been good. Did you have your helmet?
        What do you?
        Sounds good. How would you do that?
        I don’t know. I.
        I believe I’m wearing a helmet.