英语大赢家 上册 003.Topic 3客人来访 Visitors(在线收听


Benjamin: Lisa, I’m so glad to see you. How are you doing?
本杰明: 利萨,见到你真是太高兴了。你好吗?
Lisa: Fine. I miss you so much, uncle Benjamin.
Benjamin: Me too. We haven’t seen each other for years.?
本杰明: 我也是啊。我们有好几年没见了,是吧?
Lisa: It’s been 3 years now. 
利萨: 是啊,我们有3年没见了。
Benjamin: How time flies! Now you are a college student out of a little girl.
本杰明: 时间过得多快啊!你现在都是个大学生,不再是个小女孩了。
Lisa: How is aunty Shirley?
利萨: 雪莉阿姨还好吗?
Benjamin: Couldn’t be better. 
本杰明: 好得不能再好了。
Lisa: How has may been?
利萨: 阿美现在怎么样?
Benjamin: She’s been good. She is in grade one in Joy Chain high school. And she dreams to be a volunteer in 2008.
Lisa: That’s great. How about little Daniel then?
Benjamin: He started to elementary school last year. He is counting the days to the Olympic Games. How are your parents doing?
Lisa: Not bad. They plan to visit you next year. 
利萨: 还行。他们打算明年来看您。
Benjamin: Really, I’ll be so excited to see them. Make yourself at home, I make some tea for you.
Lisa: OK, thank you, uncle Benjamin.
Benjamin:Hello, I’m Benjamin, Daniel is my son. He started elementary school last year. And May is my daughter. She is a high school student. Shirley is my wife. Lisa is my brother’s daughter. Lisa visits us sometimes. She is a college student now. We are so happy together.