英语大赢家 上册 028.Topic 4偶遇 Meeting with Someone(在线收听



Wendy:Hi, I am Wendy, May’s classmate in elementary school. We haven’t seen each other for a long time. May has entered a good school. And she is having a very exciting school experience. I entered another good school. That’s why I‘m having an English class with a foreign teacher to improve my oral Engliah.


May: Oh, my god, Wendy, is that you?
阿美: 哦,天哪, 温迪,是你吗?
Wendy:Oh, hi ,May. Long time no see.
温迪: 哦,嗨,阿美。好久不见。
May: Yes, we haven’t seen each other since elementary school. I miss you so much.
阿美: 是啊,小学毕业后我们就一直没有再见面。 我很想念你。
Wendy:Yeah. So what’s new?
温迪: 我也是。你最近怎样?
May: Nothing much except I’ve got in a very exciting school.
阿美: 也没什么,不过我进了所不错的学校。
Wendy:Really? What school is that?
温迪: 真的吗? 是什么学校?
May: Joy Chain High School. How about you?
阿美: 卓成高中。 你呢?
Wendy:Oh,me? I am at the Affiliated High School of Peking University.
温迪: 哦,我吗?我现在在北大附中读书。
May: Wow, you are always so great!
阿美: 哇,你总是这么棒!
Wendy:Say, what time is it?
温迪: 对了,现在几点了?
May: 4:00 p.m. Why?
阿美: 四点了。 怎么了?
Wendy:Shoot! I’ve got to run. I’ve got an appointment with my foreign teacher at 4:30. She helps me with my oral English.
温迪: 糟糕! 我得走了。 我约了外教四点半见面。 她帮我练英语口语。
May: That’s great. So where are you going?
阿美: 太好了。 那么你要去哪里?
Wendy:The Olympic park. You can go with me if you like. Where is the nearest stop for Bus No 713?
温迪: 奥林匹克公园。 如果你愿意,可以和我一起去。 最近的有公汽713的公交站在哪?
May: Hear honey. Turn left at the first intersection and go straight to the end of the road.
阿美: 听着。 在第一个路口往左拐,一直走到路的尽头就是了。