英语大赢家 上册 036.Topic 4拍照 Taking Pictures(在线收听



Dad: The park is a good place for many things. Some people like doing exercises here. My family always make it a place for picnics. And nowadays ,it’s popular to take photos in there. I think that’s a really good idea. So we’re planning to take some photos with the whole family there. Why not?Where else can you find such beautiful sceneries?


Daniel: Look, Dad, many people are doing morning exercises here.
丹尼尔: 看,爸爸,好多人在这里晨练呢。
Dad: Yes. I used to come out here with my grandpa as a child.
爸爸: 是啊,我还是小孩子的时候,也常常和我爷爷去公园晨练。 
Daniel: Really? You were so happy then.
Dad: Aren’t you happy now? I hadn’t seen the piano when I was a child.
爸爸: 难道你现在不幸福吗?我小时候还没有见过钢琴呢。
Daniel: Daddy, don’t mention it.
丹尼尔: 爸爸,快别提了。
Dad: The park is so beautiful. It is a good thing I have taken the camera.
爸爸: 这个公园真漂亮。 幸好我带了相机。
Daniel: Dad, I’d like to take a picture with the status.
丹尼尔: 爸爸,我想在这个雕塑这儿拍张照。
Dad: All right. Give me a big smile. Are you ready? Cheese!
爸爸: 好的。 笑一个。 准备好了没? 茄子!
Daniel: Daddy, we don’t have a photo of the whole family. We can take one here.
丹尼尔:爸爸, 我们家都没有全家福呢。 我们在这里照一张吧。
(Father turns to the tourist for help) (爸爸请一个游客帮忙)
Dad: Excuse me, sir. Could you take a photo for us? Just press this button.
爸爸: 你好,这位先生。能帮我们拍张照吗? 按一下这个键
Tourist:Okay. Everybody gets closer.
游客: 好的。 大家都挨紧点。
Good. Keep the pose and cheese. Ok,Ok, one more, please. Alright. 
好的。保持不动,笑一个。 好嘞,再来一张。 好了。
Dad: Thanks a lot.
爸爸: 太谢谢了。
Tourist: My pleasure.
游客: 不客气。