闽教版小学英语 六年级上 Story Time1(在线收听


[00:05.42]Read a story.

[00:08.54]Three Little Pigs 三只小猪

[00:11.32]One morning three little pigs said goodbye to 

[00:14.78]their mother.

[00:16.50]They went out to build their own houses.

[00:20.80]The first little pig did not like to work.

[00:24.81]He built his house out of straw.

[00:28.60]The sescond little pig built his house out of 


[00:33.63]This was a little stronger than the straw house.

[00:37.83]The third little pit built his house out of 


[00:42.01]This was much stronger than the straw house

[00:45.17]or the stick house.

[00:48.12]One night the big wolf came to the straw house.

[00:52.69]He broke in and ate the first little pig.

[00:57.43]The wolf then came to the stick house.

[01:00.93]He broke in and ate the second little pig.

[01:05.01]The wolf came to the brick house.狼又来到了砖房.

[01:07.99]He tried to push down the house,

[01:10.46]but the brick house was very strong.

[01:14.12]The wolf climbed on to the roof.狼爬到了屋顶.

[01:16.92]He tried to get into the house from the chimney.

[01:21.21]The third little pig made a fire.

[01:24.04]Then he put a large kettle of water on it.

[01:27.97]The wolf came down the chimney.狼顺着烟囱爬下来.


[01:32.56]He was hurt by the hot water.他被热水烫伤了.

[01:36.33]He quickly ran into the woods.他迅速跑进了森林.

[01:39.98]He never came back again.他再也没回来过.

