英语童话短剧 灰姑娘和眼睛蛇(在线收听

   Cinderella and the Glass Sneaker

  Welcome to The land of Make Believe. Perhaps I should tell you this fine town. There are a lot of funny-looking people in the Land of Make Believe, some people have long noses, some people have short arms but once upon a time a girl named Cinderella was the funniest.
  Scene 1
  Cinderella:   (Cinderella enters.  She has enormous feet.  She practices a ballet dance. She is a bad dancer.) I have such enormous feet.  I look like a seaplane.  I will never be a dancer.  I always lose at hopscotch (she tries to hopscotch but falls down), and I have to buy a sock for every toe (She holds up her socks).  I hate my feet.  (The 2 Stepsisters enter.  They are dancing.  They are good dancers)
  Stepsister 1:   HA HA… It’s
  Stepsister 1&2: Cinderella BIGFOOT!
  Stepsister 2: Are you still trying to be a ballet dancer like us?
  Stepsister 1: With those feet you look more like a clown than a dancer.
  Stepsister 1: Cinderella, bring me my coat!  (Cinderella brings her coat.  Her feet are so big that she trips.)
  Stepsister 2: Cinderella, I am thirsty bring me some water.  (Cinderella brings her water; she trips and spills the water.  The two stepsisters laugh!!!)  You are so clumsy!  (They exit)
  Cinderella: (Crying) It’s not fair…. Why do I have to have these terrible feet?  Why can’t I be beautiful and graceful like my stupid stepsisters!
  Mother: (Enters carrying an enormous shoe) Cinderella!  You left you shoe in the middle of the street. I have told you many times… You cannot go around barefoot.  Your shoe nearly caused a traffic accident.
  Cinderella: But Mother those shoes don’t fit my feet.  They hurt!  I want to wear sneakers!
  Mother: Nonsense.  You are a young woman.  And young women do not wear sneakers!  These used to be your sister’s shoes.
  Cinderella: But they are too small!
  Mother: You should be happy that she gave them to you after I bought her a new pair.
  Stepsister 1: (The two stepsisters rush in holding an invitation.  They are excited) Whew!  What is that smell?
  Stepsister 2: It’s Cinderella again! (Both sisters hold their noses)
  Stepsister 1: I almost forgot, the ball is today…
  Stepsister2:  (Interrupting) In the Kings Palace!
  Stepsister 1: We will meet the prince!  Have you ever seen his nose?  It looks like a skyscraper.
  Stepsister 2: Well he may not be handsome.
  Stepsister 1 &2: but he is rich!  (They laugh together)
  Cinderella: I heard that the prince can smell a pizza from a mile away.
  Mother: Let me look at that. (She grabs the invitation) Oh my goodness.  It is today.  We have a lot of work to do.  Cinderella will help you get ready.
  Cinderella:  But, why can’t I go to the ball?  I want to dance.
  Mother: What with those feet?  You have trouble enough walking. You might kill someone while you are dancing.  It is not safe.  Now girls please get ready.  (Mother exits)
  Stepsister 1: Hurry Cinderella…  Where is my dress…?
  Stepsister 2: And my dress?  Bring me my shoes…!
  Cinderella: Yes Yes… (She runs around while the stepsisters order her around… she has difficulty keeping her balance)  It is not a difficult task.  Your dresses are here!
  Stepsister 1: Be careful Cinderella.
  Stepsister 2: Your BIG feet are stepping on our dresses!  (Cinderella dresses the 2 girls)
  Mother: Now are you ready girls?  Let’s go!
  Stepsister 1: This is going to be so much fun!
  Stepsister 2: We shall dance all night!  (They exit)
  Scene 2
  Cinderella: (Looks depressed) Uhhhhh….  Now what should I do.  I can’t dance… I can barely even walk.  I wish my feet would disappear  (She places a blanket over her feet and she starts to cry.  Fairy appears)
  Fairy: Why are you crying dear child?  Please don’t cry!
  Cinderella: I cannot go to the Prince’s ball.
  Fairy: But why not?  You are not that ugly.  Stand up.
  Cinderella: No.
  Fairy: Please stand up. I want to help you.  (Cinderella stands.  The Fairy is shocked by her feet) Oh My God!
  Cinderella: (Starts to cry again)
  Fairy: Oh, Don’t cry my dear.  I want to help you.
  Cinderella: But I don’t have an invitation.
  Fairy: Well I can solve that!  Zip Zap Zoo…  (She waves her magic wand and Cinderella is suddenly wearing a beautiful dress)
  Cinderella: It’s beautiful…  (She is very happy… she looks down at her feet and becomes upset)  But what about these?
  Fairy: Hmmmm…  I don’t think that I have any shoes that big…  wait a moment…  (She waves her wand and giant sneakers appear)
  Cinderella: Sneakers… made of glass!  (She does a quick dance… and falls down)  Oops… Now, how will I get to the ball?  I don’t have a carriage.
  Fairy: Of course…  (She waves her wand and nothing happens.  She tries again and still nothing appears) Ahhh…Take the bus. (She hands Cinderella some change)
  Cinderella: Thank you fairy godmother.
  Fairy: One more thing.  You must be home before midnight.
  Cinderella: Sure, sure, bye  (They exit)
  Scene 3
  Stepsister 1: Who is that funny looking girl?
  Stepsister 2: She looks so familiar.  (She approached Cinderella)  Do we know each other?
  Cinderella: (Becomes very nervous.  She looks away and changes her voice) Ah, no I don’t think so.  Please excuse me I have to go.
  Stepsister 1: What a strange girl…
  Prince: (Suddenly the prince, who has been standing alone picking his large nose, approaches the stepsisters) Wow… what a beautiful girl.  Who is she?  (The sisters shrug their shoulders.  The Prince walks to Cinderella) Hello sexy… (He smells her.)  You smell great!  Wanna dance?
  Cinderella: I would love to!
  Prince: Ouch you stepped on my foot!
  Cinderella: (The prince can barely walk) Maybe we better sit down for a moment.  (Just then the clock strikes 12.)  Oh my… I’ve got to go!
  Prince: But who are you? (The prince shouts as he rubs his feet.  Cinderella runs away.  But she leaves behind one giant glass sneaker.  He picks it up and smells it) I am going to find that girl!
  Scene 4
  Stepsister 1: (The two girls are doing their make-up as they look in the mirror, Cinderella is painting her toenails eavesdropping on their conversation) Have you heard the news?  Remember that strange looking girl at the ball?
  Stepsister 2: Yes…
  Stepsister 1: Well the prince wants to marry her, but he doesn’t know who she is.
  Stepsister 2: Then how can he marry her?
  Stepsister 1: Well she left her shoe behind.
  Stepsister 2: So the Prince will marry whatever woman the shoe fits?  (Suddenly there is a knock at the door.  It is the Prince.  The girls bow as they meet him.  Cinderella of course falls down because of her feet.)
  Prince: (He walks in the room and gives a gigantic sniff.) Please ladies sit down.  (He smells each of their feet before he tries to put the shoe on their foot.  Cinderella watches from the corner)
  Stepsister 1: It fits!
  Prince: Not quite.
  Stepsister 2: It’s mine!
  Prince: Too big!  (He puts his nose in the air and stats to smell.  He sniffs all the way over to Cinderella’s feet)
  Stepsister 1: But she wasn’t at the ball…
  Stepsister 2: Yeah she wasn’t at the ball…
  Prince: Please!  (She slips it on)
  Stepsister 1&2: It fits!
  Prince: Will you marry me?
  Cinderella: Only if you will marry me.
  Prince: I will (He leans in a tries to give Cinderella a kiss, but his nose is too big.  Finally he kisses her hand)