

  I was here 15 years ago or something. You know, I had no idea what I was doing. Sitting in front of you all, I really was just a kid. I never thought that I would be back here. And I am because of so many of you who here tonight, because of this academy, because of so many wonderful people who extend themselves to me when they had nothing to benefit from it in Hollywood。大概15年前我来过这里,当时我完全不知所云。在你们面前,我就是个孩子而已。我从来没有想过会再回来,而现在我回来了。因为在座的 各位,因为奥斯卡,因为那些也许无法从好莱坞获得任何好处的人。
  It doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life cause that's gonna happen. All it matters is how you gonna get up。在生活中你如何被打倒不重要,重要的是你如何站起来。
  I really want to thank you for believing this story, and sharing this incredible journey with me. ... I cannot make this movie without the help of Taiwan. We shot there. I wanna thank everybody there help us. ...My wife Jane Lin. We'll be married 30 years this summer. I love you。我真心感谢大家愿意相信这个故事,并和我一起展开这段奇妙旅程....。。我要感谢台湾,我们在那里拍摄,不然我们也拍不出这部电影。我想感谢那 里帮助过我们的所有人....。。我还要感谢我的妻子。今年夏天就是我们结婚30周年了,我爱你。
  There is a strange thing because 3 years ago, before we decided to do a straits warp(不确定,请高手指正), I was actually commited to play Margaret Thatcher...and Meryl was Steven's first choice for Lincoln. I'd like to see that version。奇怪的是,3年前当我们决定要对换角色的时候,我本来是被指定去演撒切尔夫人的(注:给丹尼尔颁奖的梅尔斯特里普是撒切尔夫人的扮演 者),而梅尔才是斯蒂文的林肯这个角色的第一选择。我真想看看那个版本啊。
  You guys are just standing up cuase you feel bad that I fell, and that's really embarrassing, but thank you. That's nuts!你们站起来是因为看我刚刚跌倒了吧,谢谢你们,这简直太疯狂了!
  "Here's hoping, that, someday in the not too distant future, the misfortunes of Fantine will only be found in stories and never more in real life."我有一个希望,希望在不久的将来,《悲催世界》中芳汀(她所饰演的角色,在书中芳汀被贵族公子玩弄生下一女,后沦为妓女、生病去世。)的悲剧 将只是小说、不再出现在现实中。
  This movie was quite a beast to make... we did it!...I was really into An, and...the beautiful world we created... it was like one chanllenge that every photographer... that one thing like.. we just had your eyes these kinda go like go up up up... you just kinda reach things and you get excited, there're excting things, things we love like the candles, there're things Ah...Jesus...Oh my god I can't even speak.。。这电影实在拍的有够艰难,但是我们做到了!我真的很喜欢李安,还有我们创造的那个美丽的世界……这是对每个摄影师的挑战……还有个事情我 真的喜欢……我们就像是把你的眼界抬高再抬高这样,那些东西、你看到之后你就会兴奋……那些蜡烛啊那些……偶滴神啊,我都不晓得咋讲了……
  Thank you to my great crew. Thank you to my wife, she was member of the crew. She supporting me since 30 years。谢谢你们我的摄制组,谢谢你我的夫人。你也是摄制组的一员。你支持了我30年。