经典英文歌曲:Owl City全新大碟朋克摇滚风之作《Dreams and Disasters》(在线收听

Owl City全新大碟朋克摇滚风之作《Dreams and Disasters》

世界上唯一不变的东西就是“变”,即便是一贯走清新路线的Owl City也不能免俗。在万众期待的新专辑《The Midsummer Station》(《仲夏之站》)中,主唱Adam Young一改往日的小清新,在新歌中融入了朋克摇滚元素,这首《Dreams and Disasters》就是Owl City的转型首单,动感不失清新的曲调让人一听倾心~~


We, were alone, on the road, driving faster 我们独自在公路上越开越快
So, far from home, we were chasing disaster 远离家乡,我们在故意找罪受
Pour, on the gas, til the car, caught on fire 我们倒汽油,直到汽车着了起来
We, had to laugh, as the smoke, billowed higher 我们觉得好笑,烟雾越腾越高
I wanna feel alive forever after 我想在以后让生的感觉永存
And you say, you say you wanna feel alive forever after 你也说,你说你也想在以后永远觉得自己还活着
And I, and I, and I say 于是我说,于是我,于是我说
Fo-o-ollow the li-i-ine through the dreams and disasters 跟随这条线穿过梦想和灾难
Fo-o-ollow the li-i-ine to the edge and the after 跟随这条线并到达边界及以后的地方
We won't turn around 我们不会半途而废
We will not slow down 我们要全速前进
Fo-o-ollow the li-i-ine through the dreams and disasters 跟随这条线穿过梦想和灾难
Think, of the sun, and the sound, of it rising 想起日出时的美好景象
Still, on the run, with our eyes on the horizon 我们一边狂奔,一边注视着地平线

I wanna feel alive forever after 我想在以后让生的感觉永存
And you say, you say you wanna feel alive forever after 你也说,你说你也想在以后永远觉得自己还活着
And I, and I, and I say 于是我说,于是我,于是我说
Fo-o-ollow the li-i-ine to the dreams and disasters 跟随这条线穿过梦想和灾难
Fo-o-ollow the li-i-ine to the edge and the after 跟随这条线并到达边界及以后的地方
We won't turn around 我们不会半途而废
We will not slow down 我们要全速前进
Fo-o-ollow the li-i-ine to the dreams and disasters 跟随这条线穿过梦想和灾难

I just wanna feel alive 我只是想让自己有生的感觉
I just wanna feel alive ..
I just wanna feel alive ..
I just wanna feel alive ..
I just wanna feel alive ..
Fo-o-ollow the li-i-ine through the dreams and disasters 跟随这条线穿过梦想和灾难
Fo-o-ollow the li-i-ine to the edge and the after 跟随这条线并到达边界及以后的地方
We won't turn around 我们不会半途而废
We will not slow down 我们要全速前进
Fo-o-ollow the li-i-ine through the dreams and disasters 跟随这条线穿过梦想和灾难
